Wedding Party

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You had made it to the hotel a day before the rest of the group was arriving. You were in the wedding party and wanted to make sure things were going to be set up properly before the wedding. You and Ellie were best friends. You both were SHIELD agents, but she had retired a year before but the two of you remained close. She was now part of her local police force and was marrying a fellow officer in her unit. Grant was a great man, he was kind, caring, funny, charming, and treated your friend like a queen. You silently swooned at their relationship and wished you had one that was like theirs but sadly, no one special was in your life.

It was hard for you to date, considering you worked with the Avengers. Not many men would be ok with your position and the long nights, and lengthy missions you had to be a part of. You weren't an active field agent, however, you supported them with communications and logistics, something that was just as important as being on a mission.

You had become close friends to Sam and Bucky the most, considering they were your partners when they were out in the field. You were the voice in their ears assisting them with their directions and giving them intel as they made their way from place to place. You saved them on several occasions, and they were forever grateful. Both Sam and Bucky were invited to the wedding since they knew Ellie from SHIELD before. She assisted them prior to you taking over when she retired so naturally, they were invited.

When you met with Sam and Bucky before taking over from Ellie, you were immediately happy you got to work with them. Sam was carefree and funny, where Bucky was the complete opposite. He was focused and serious most of the time, but deep down inside, he was quite the softie when he needed to be.

You liked hanging out with them when there were no missions. You went to the bars with them, watched sports with Sam, and helped Bucky tinker with his motorcycle. You had a crush on Bucky as he was quite handsome. He was tall, dark, and mysterious, but you knew there was more to him than his looks. He was caring, had a wicked sense of humour, and was thoughtful. He even cheered you up when you were sad and took care of you when you were sick.

You knew who he was in his past life and were fine with it. You knew the things he did under HYDRA'S control, but you knew the man that stood next to you today was not that man anymore. After a few years in Wakanda and his therapy sessions, he was getting his life back together. You pushed those feelings aside because you didn't want to ruin your friendship with him, and honestly, you were too scared to tell him the truth, so you left things as they were.

Once you looked over the venue and spoke with the venue co-ordinator, you headed to your room to take a luxuriously long bath in the stand-alone tub that was in your large bathroom. You opted for a suite at the hotel. You figured why not splurge a little since you hadn't had a vacation in over a year. When you got out of your tub, you returned a few text messages to Ellie assuring her everything was proper and to try to have a good night's sleep before the drive to the hotel.

The following day, you got up early and went for a quick run before heading back in for breakfast. The hotel had set up a hospitality room for the wedding guests to lounge in which was lovely. It had a large couch, TV, fireplace, tables, and chairs. It even had a bar in the evenings so you could go and relax at if you wanted to.

You got a text from Sam. On our way, looking forward to seeing you! It read followed by a selfie of him and Bucky in the front seat of Sam's car. Bucky didn't look too impressed with a camera jammed in his face, so you giggled at the screen. Looking forward to seeing my favourite guys! Bucky, would it kill you to smile more? you replied. You got another photo returned, this time it was one of Bucky with a stupid fake grin on his face. Much Better! you replied.

You ate your breakfast and went to your room to unpack a bit more. You had your bridesmaids dress unpacked but it could use some freshening up. You took out the iron from the closet and steamed it while it hung in the wardrobe. You were slightly terrified of wearing the dress in public. Ellie was a lot more adventurous in her clothing style than yours and her pick of dresses reflected that.

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