Weekend Getaway from Hell

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A/N: I am adding a SMALL warning/heads up in this because there is mentions of implied adult couple situations and sayings in this one that could be more adult themed - just a few though, and no smut or anything like that. Oh - and everything that has happened in this story has happened to me in real life in renting a few cabins over the years...Stories my then boyfriend and now husband laugh about to this day.... Thx! 😂🤦‍♀️


You and Bucky had been dating for over a year and things were going well between the two of you. You lived in your shared apartment at the tower, went out on missions together, trained together, supported each other, and most importantly loved each other. Lately though, you could never get any alone time, or vacation from missions and training; things were so busy for everyone, it was hard to find time to yourselves.

"I don't care Steve, Y/n and I need a getaway, we need a break from things. We haven't even seen each other this week and we live together!" Bucky shouted at his friend. 

"I don't care what you or anyone else says, we need a weekend away from things. It's been too busy and it's taking a toll on Y/n. She's exhausted and grumpy lately, and I don't know how to make things better" Bucky said sitting down at the conference table with a worried look on his face.

Steve thought about it for a bit and he agreed. You both were so busy on missions and briefings; he could see the toll it was taking on both of his friends. 

"Ok, I'll try and see what I can do" he said and patted Bucky on the back. 

"Try hard Steve" Bucky glared at him. 

"I know I know" he said as both men walked out of the conference room.

Bucky found you in the living room, passed out on the couch with the remote in your right hand and a half-eaten chocolate bar in your left hand. He gently took the chocolate bar out of your hand and proceeded to lift you up slightly so he could snuggle you close to him. As soon as you were set on his lap, you snuggled in to his warmth and gave him a light kiss on his neck. 

"Hey" you sleepily mumbled. 

"Hey" he said and squeezed you close. 

"Stay away from my chocolate bar" you quietly teased making Bucky shake his head and kiss your cheek. 

"I'd have to be crazy to try and take chocolate from you" he said with a chuckle and held you close. 

"Good. Miss you" you quietly said. 

"Miss you more" he said and continued holding you.

Steve walked into the living room and saw the two of you snuggled close to each other. 

"Hey Buck, how does this weekend off sound?" he asked. 

"Really?" asked Bucky. 

"Really! You guys deserve a break. I have just the place in mind, it's a small cozy cabin in the woods I found online for you. Y/n will love it" he said sitting down on a chair. 

"Can I see photos? I'm sure Y/n will love it, but I want to make sure before I say yes" Bucky said. 

You stirred in his lap and were starting to wake up. 

"Hey Steve" you sleepily said with a stretch. 

"Hey Y/n" he smiled. 

"I got us the weekend off" Bucky said with a huge smile. 

This woke you up more. 

"What? Seriously?" you squealed. 

"Seriously!" Bucky repeated. 

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