Snack Buddy

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A/U Story - Bucky has a son/Single Dad Bucky! 🥰😊

You had gotten to the park in the early afternoon, sun high in the sky without a cloud to be seen. You loved your afternoons of visiting the park by your new house. You unfolded your blanket and lied down resting your head on your bag as you thumbed through your favourite book. You chose a spot in the shade near the play structure but not too close since you didn't have any children; you didn't want to look like a creep being too close to a kids park without a kid, but still far enough away the noise from the children playing wouldn't distract you.

You were a few chapters in when you decided to put your bookmark in and open some of the snack containers you brought. You always brought tons of food with you everywhere you went. You were the one friend in your friend group who was always counted on to have a granola bar or banana in their purse in case of an emergency and you outdid yourself with the snacks you brought with you today.

You opened a container of cut up apples, one that contained some almonds, another that had dried cranberries, grabbed a banana, and another container of cheese cubes and spread everything out in front of you like a snack buffet. You thought about bringing out the cookies you had but decided to save those for a little later.

You were happily munching on some almonds and a piece of apple when you noticed a young boy, of around four or five come by and sit on your blanket. You were a little stunned because of his friendliness and you instantly looked around to find the boy's parents or someone he knew but couldn't see anyone. He happily helped himself to a piece of apple and started talking to you about the planets, so you listened to him with a smile. He told you his name was Steven, and he was at the park with his dad in-between stories of the sun and moon.

The boy had dark brown hair that was a little unruly, bright blue eye, and a little smirk would appear when he thought about things. He was in jeans and a red t-shirt and had brown shoes, making him look absolutely adorable. You listened to him intently when he told you facts about the planet Mars when out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a frantic looking man searching the playground. Without startling the boy, you gave him a piece of cheese for a distraction and waved to the man with a questioning look on your face. The man instantly ran over with a relieved look on his face. 

"Stevie! Buddy, you can't keep wandering off like that. You had Daddy worried." Said the man who kneeled on your blanket and gave his son a hug. 

"I'm ok Daddy" he said and went back to snacking some more. 

You smiled at the boy and looked up at the man.

When you took in the man who kneeled in front of you, you had to force yourself not to stare like a weirdo. He was tall, his dark chestnut hair was trimmed neatly, had a bit of stubble on his chiseled cheeks, and his eyes were clear blue. Steven was an exact mini replica of the man in front of you. 

"Um, hi, I'm James" he said and offered you a kind smile. 

"Y/N" you said and smiled back. 

Be cool. It's a very attractive man with a kid who happens to be talking to you. Nothing you can't handle.

"I hope you don't mind that he was snacking a little" you said and smiled at Steven who was now sitting with his back to you, eating your last piece of apple and happily singing a song to himself. 

"No, not at all" James chuckled. 

"This guy always has a hearty appetite, isn't that right Stevie?" James said as he ruffled his hair. 

The boy giggled and they got up from your blanket.

"Well, thanks for helping with him, I really appreciate it" James said and smiled brightly. 

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