Biking Accident

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You had been training hard for the last few weeks to get back into mission shape since you blew out your ankle on the last one you were on. You were tired and starting to ache from pushing yourself to the limit. Your mission partner and overall annoying friend Bucky wasn't making things any easier on you either.

"C'mon Y/N, we still have a whole sparring session to go" he grumbled as you were lying down on one of the mats in the gym trying to catch your breath. "I know Bucky, I'm taking a breather. Unlike you, I actually need to rest every now and then" you snapped. "Do you get breathers when we're out on missions?" Bucky barked at you. "Ugh, no" you frowned. "C'mon, get up" he said nudging your body with his foot. "Fffiiiinnnneeeee" you whined as you swatted his foot away and got yourself up off the mat to face him.

You liked training with Bucky. He was good at hand-to-hand combat, giving you pointers and tips, adjusting your stance, and making sure you could be most impactful without hurting yourself. You even helped him with his flexibility and was able to do a bit of yoga with him, even though he made you swear to never tell anyone. You liked that about him even though he would be sassy and snarky, he seemed to care about your overall training. You had thought he cared about you in other ways but were too shy to ask.

Steve wasn't sure where to put Bucky when he joined the team, so he paired him with you. Steve thought since you arrived about a month after Bucky, the two of you could work together. For the most part, you get along, only bickering sometimes and mostly about stupid things that don't matter. You like going out on missions with Bucky since he's crazy focused, strong, loyal, and most importantly, you trust each other. Sometimes though, when you are back at the compound, you want to stab each other. He's annoying and teases you constantly, where you prank him and take jabs at him regularly but the two of you always end up giggling and laughing with each other.

When you injured your ankle on the last mission you were on, you were paired up with Steve, Bucky was back at the compound finishing his last bit of therapy work for the government. The mission you were on was a basic one of search and rescue hostages, something you have done lots of. You and Steve had gone into a small maintenance building to do a sweep but along the way, you were on a catwalk that fell under your weight and a piece of the structure landed on your ankle, causing it to bust. Steve was mad at himself for letting you go ahead of him first, but you insisted it was fine and only an accident.

When you got back to the compound, Bucky was waiting for you. Once he saw Steve carry you out from the jet and your busted ankle, Bucky was livid. He demanded to know what had happened, even cornering Steve, and raising a fist to his face. You had to intervene in the medical bay to make sure he wasn't going to harm his best friend. "Buck, it's ok. It was an accident. We had no idea the catwalk would fall" you said. Bucky turned back and looked deep in your eyes before storming out of the room, leaving you and Steve behind. "He'll be fine" you said to Steve. "I'm really sorry Y/N" Steve said. "Steve, it's ok, don't worry about me, it's only an ankle injury, nothing more" you said giving him a reassuring hug before the medical team took you for x-rays.

In the few days you had to spend in the medical bay, Bucky was at your side, annoying you as usual. Steve wandered in every so often but was met with death glares and silence from Bucky. "Bucky, leave Steve alone, he had nothing to do with this." You pleaded to him. "I know, it's just that I wasn't there to protect you" Bucky snapped. "Bucky, I don't need protection" you frowned. "It was an accident" you said patting him on the arm. He held your hand in his for a few minutes causing you both to slightly blush then look away as he released it.

In the days after you were released from the medical team, Bucky never left your side, even helping you get around on your crutches, giving you ice packs, and elevating your foot on his lap when you would watch movies. Sam insisted his true feelings of liking you were coming out, but you scoffed at that idea. "Yeah right" you would snort while hobbling off leaving Sam with a smirk on his face.

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