The Dentist Visit

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You never thought you would see a grown man freak out at the thought of having to go to the dentist to get a tooth removed. Bucky Barnes, AKA The Winter Soldier, an ex-assassin and overall badass was hiding in your room underneath a pile of blankets from his best friend Steve. "C'mon Buck, you have to go. The tooth is getting worse, and Dr. Butler needs to remove it to, so it doesn't get infected" Steve said. "I don't care, I'm not going!" screamed the pile of blankets. Steve turned to face you. "He's your problem for now, but come tomorrow, if he's still under there, I am prying him out of there if it's the last thing I do" Steve said as he was leaving your room. You just stood there awkwardly and smiled.

Bucky had been at the compound for just over a year, around the same time you joined. You both became fast friends seeing as how you two were the newest recruits. You had rooms next to each other, you ate together, hung out together, and trained together. He was your best friend, and you were his (apart from Steve). He comforted you when you were sad or sick, and you helped him navigate the new technology and get him caught up on current events. You told each other secrets and fears, never judging each other, confided in each other, and cared for each other deeply. Nat told you several times the "Winter Smoulder" had a huge crush on you, but you always rolled your eyes at her and shrugged it off.

"He's gone Buck" you said laying down next to the pile of blankets. "You can come out now" you chuckled. "It's not funny Y/N, I don't want to go!" a muffled voice came from underneath the blankets. "I know, but the sooner you go, the sooner it will feel better. Toothaches hurt a lot, and if they go unchecked, can cause major problems in the long run. Better to get it fixed now rather than later" you said lifting the blankets off him. "C'mon, I'll even go with you for support" you said stroking his hair. "You better" he said as he put his head in your lap.

"Dr. Butler is the best; he's gentle and kind and does great work" you said reassuringly. "I know, Steve has told me" Bucky said now sitting up from the bed. "The procedure will only take about 40 minutes, so it won't even be that long. I'm sure half of that time will be waiting for the freezing to take affect. Once he gets in there, he'll be done in no time. Then you can come back here and have some ice cream and watch a movie." You said. "Promise?" Bucky said looking at you. "I promise" you said smiling at him. He hugged you and you proceeded to pick a movie out to watch.

The next morning, you knocked on Bucky's door, but he didn't answer. "Buck, you in there?" you asked while putting your hand on the handle. You got no answer, so you decided to open the door. "Buck?" you asked. "I'm here, I just had a shower" a voice called to you from the bathroom. "Your appointment is in a few hours. Do you want to hang out with me before then? Maybe go for a walk, or lunch before then?" You asked sitting down on his bed. "No, I'm good" Bucky said as he opened the bathroom door slightly so you could see him. "Ok, I'll be downstairs waiting for you" you said getting up from his bed. "Let me know if there is anything you need" you said giving him a reassuring smile. You heard a soft "ok" from behind the door, so you just left.

You were sitting at the table with Nat and Sam waiting for Bucky to come down to the kitchen, but he wasn't coming. You texted him a few times but didn't get any replies. "Has anyone seen Steve? Or Bucky? The appointment is in half an hour, and I haven't seen them around" you said. They just looked at each other and said no.

Just then, you heard a commotion in the hallway causing the three of you to stand up and see what was happening. When you got to the hallway, you noticed a very loose Bucky stumbling down the hall with an exasperated Steve behind him. "What is going on here?" you asked. "Well, Buck here was feeling very anxious, so I slipped him some of Thor's special drink, the one we use so we can get drunk" Steve said putting a hand at the back of his neck. 

You've never seen Bucky drunk because he can't. The odd time him and Steve will have a shot of the special drink from Thor, but he's never been stumbling drunk around you. You had to take a minute and look at Bucky to see for yourself. His hair was a disheveled mess, face was flush, eyes were glassy, and he was swaying to a beat only he could hear while steadying himself against the wall. You had to hide a smirk on your face from the sight.

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