The Tests

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"Ugh, that man is insufferable" Nat said as she stormed into your room. 

You looked up at her from the book you were currently reading. 

"What are you talking about?" you asked as you put the book down. 

"Your boyfriend" she scowled at you. 

"Nat, I don't have a boyfriend." you corrected her. 

"What did he do this time?" you asked with a smirk. 

"He wouldn't let me use his new knife he got while I was training. Said I couldn't handle it" she said rolling her eyes. 

"Did you ask him nicely?" you said sounding hopeful. 

"Of course, I did. I'm always nice" she said with a mischievous grin. 

"Well, you know how he is with his knives" you said as you shook your head. 

"I bet if you ask him to use it, he'll let you, even showing you how to use it and everything" Nat scoffed. 

"I don't think so. His knives are like his little babies" you snorted at her and laughed. 

"He'd do anything for you, he's in love with you" Nat stated with a smile. 

"I doubt that. We're just friends" you laughed.

You and Bucky were good friends and had been for well over a year. No, he was your best friend at the compound as you thought about it more. You and he trained together and were mission partners, nothing more you thought to yourself...or was it? Sure, you would hang out when you weren't busy. You would watch TV and movies together, but you would do that with everyone else. 

Just with Bucky, you tended to hang out together in each others' rooms instead of in the main areas. You would both wear your comfy clothes and snuggle under blankets, eating snacks, making fun of the shows you were watching. You even got him hooked on The Bachelor and he would join you every Monday night to watch it. He made you swear to not tell anyone about it, so you always said you were watching sports or going over some fighting moves as cover.

"I'm serious Y/N, the man is head over heels in love with you" Nat said and smacked you with a pillow. 

"Not likely" you said as you returned the smack but couldn't hide a blush. 

"Let's test my theory. If I am wrong, I'll do your reports for a month. If I'm right, you do mine" she stated. 

You thought about it for a bit. 

"Fine" you said as you rolled your eyes at her. 

"But this really is stupid" you said as she got up and walked out of your room.

The next morning, Nat met you in the kitchen and told you what she had wanted to do for her little "tests". 

"Ok, today, I am going to ask Bucky if I could take a bite out of his food and see if he'll share it with me" she said. 

"That's stupid. He'll probably share with you anyways" you scoffed. 

You and Bucky always share food and snacks, so this wouldn't really be a true test, but you were slightly curious if he did this with any of the others. 

"I'll ask him at lunch, and you ask him at dinner, so he won't suspect anything" Nat said and got up from her chair and left.

Lunchtime came around and you were sitting at the table with Sam having some coffee when Bucky walked in. You watched him make himself a sandwich and join you at the table. 

"Hey cyborg" Sam said as you shook your head and giggled. 

"Hi Sam" Bucky grumbled back and lifted his sandwich off the plate, taking a bite of it. 

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