What in Carnation?

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Aah, spring, the perfect time for you to get outside and get dirty. You had managed to get a small plot of land put aside so you could have a flower garden and tend to the flowers when you weren't busy with training and missions. You loved to garden and since you had arrived at the compound, you missed your small garden you had at your home, which you had to give up.

When you first started with the garden which was a few years prior, you had known what you were going to plant. You had wanted some native grasses and plants that would suit the area, but you had also wanted to mix in some perennials and annuals in as well, giving lots of height, texture, food for the bees, and of course, smells. You were in the library going over some plant books, notes from the previous year you made, and google searches from your laptop, when Bucky walked in and sat next to you.

"Whatcha doin' y/n?" he asked as his face was scrunched up in question. 

"Hey Buck, just going over some of my notes on the garden for the season. Want to make sure I get some of the same plants that I had before and noting a few things I don't want to plant again that didn't work" you said as you were scrolling through the laptop writing down flowers. 

He nodded and scanned the papers you had spread out in front of you. 

"Where did you learn all about this?" he asked as he was reading the back of a small seed package. 

"Not sure really, I guess my mom. She always had a large flower garden and I guess I just paid attention to it?" you said as you closed the laptop. 

"I like flowers and like to garden so I had wanted a small space to develop here" you said as you leaned back into your chair. 

"Wanna help me tomorrow?" you asked looking over at him. 

He smiled and nodded so you agreed to meet early the following morning.

"Ok, Buck, I think I have everything I need" you said getting on your gloves. 

"Here" as you handed him a pair of work gloves. 

"Doll, I have a vibranium arm, I don't need gloves" he smirked. 

"Fine with me, but that soil is going to go in every nook and cranny once you start digging. Just like the sand at the beach you hate as you always complain it gets everywhere" you warned him. 

He scowled but turned around and put on the gloves while you rolled your eyes at his back and smiled at his stubbornness. You both managed to get the area cleaned up and ready to be planted but it was getting late. 

"I think I'm going to plant tomorrow, I'm beat" you said as Bucky was cleaning up the tools. 

"I'm on a mission with Sam tomorrow" Bucky frowned. 

"I know, but I need to get this planted soon so the seeds can start. Plus, I have a solo mission coming up in a few days I should prep for so tomorrow would be the only day I can get this done" you said. 

Bucky nodded at you and helped you pack away the tools in a small shed that was near your garden.

The next day, you managed to get the plants and seeds in the ground and the ones that were still there, you cleaned up further to make them appear cleaner and help them grow. You didn't see Bucky before your mission, so you left on yours.

Over the next few months, you tended to the garden when you had the time to with Bucky helping you when he could. You showed him the best way to cut the flowers, where to water, what to not overwater, what to weed, and what to leave. He was a quick learner and was always eager to help. You were kind of shocked really when he always offered to help. You never thought that such a tough guy could be so soft and caring when it came to plants. Sam had insisted Bucky had a crush on you, but you just snorted at him and rolled your eyes.

You had planted a lot of flowers that were good to cut, bringing some of them inside the compound and making a few arrangements out of them for everyone to enjoy. Gerberas (which are your favourite), carnations, daisies, peonies, chrysanthemums, and gladiolas were some of the flowers you had planted. You weeded and watered, cleaning up some of the area when Bucky came by and sat down to observe. 

"Hey Bucky" you said as you saw him from the corner of your eye. 

"Hey" he said as he was watching you. 

"They're coming in nicely" he said as he took in the sight of the blooming flowers. 

"I know, it's lovely" you said surveying your hard work. 

"Sometimes I come here in the morning to relax" Bucky said as he was watching you. 

"That's good Buck, I'm glad." you said and smiled at him. 

You could have sworn you saw him blush when Sam called the both of you in for lunch. 

"I'll watch over the flowers when you and Sam leave for your mission tomorrow" Bucky said as you stood next to him. 

"Thanks" you said and gave him a small hug before putting your tools away. 

You saw him smile and look down at the ground.

When you returned from your mission with Sam, you had sprained your ankle. It wasn't serious, but you were on crutches for a week and had to rest and elevate it whenever you could. You were sitting on the couch in the compound reading when Bucky walked in and handed you a carnation. 

"Here, hope you feel better" he said and walked away, leaving you staring at the flower in your hand. 

"Thanks" you said to his back as you watched him leave the room. 

You smiled and smelled it, putting it down next to you shaking your head at the kind gesture.

The next morning, you hobbled into the kitchen for breakfast only to notice a small bunch of daisies placed on the table at your seat in a small vase. You smiled and saw Bucky out of the corner of your eye get up from the couch and walk down the hall. Sam walked in and joined you with a cup of coffee. 

"Nice flowers" he smirked making you blush. 

You shook your head at him and hobbled over to the counter to start your breakfast. You made it back to your room as you were going to go for a quick shower only to discover another small bundle of gerbera daisies on your bed. You smiled at them and placed them into an empty glass you had and went for your shower. 

At supper, you were late joining as everyone left for the night to do their own thing. You managed to grab some leftovers and heated them up when you saw another bouquet of flowers at your spot, in a small glass. They were a few of the smaller stalks of gladiolas that had a small bow attached to them where they were joined. You couldn't help but grin like a fool at the small act.

You were almost healed from your ankle and the crutches weren't necessary anymore which made it easier to get around. You managed to get to your garden and noticed it was already watered and weeded so you sat on the grass in front of it admiring the scene when Bucky walked out and sat next to you. 

"Hey" you said as you nudged his arm with yours. 

"Hey y/n" he replied. 

The two of you sat for a moment before you said anything. 

"Thanks for all of the flowers" you said quietly. 

"No problem" Bucky said and smiled down at his hands. 

"I appreciate it, but now there are patches of colour missing from my garden" you giggled. 

"I'm sorry y/n" Bucky said with his head still down. 

"No Buck, it's fine. That's what they're there for. They're meant to be cut and enjoyed so more can grow" you assured him and smiled up into his bright blue eyes. 

"Remind me to plant more next year since you're going to steal them" you joked which made him chuckle. 

"Can't help it y/n, I think you deserve them all" he said as he brushed a strand of hair from your face that fell loose. 

You blushed a little while he leaned down and gave your cheek a kiss.

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