The Old Barnes Charm

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You had passed all the necessary tests and had joined the team – like a month ago and Steve paired you with Bucky for your training and future mission partner. You weren't complaining by any means since you know who he is and he's a great agent and skilled fighter (plus he's easy on the eyes). While you were making your way up through the levels of being a top field agent, you and he would occasionally run into each other at the gym, or throughout the compound, and he always stopped to chat with you so being paired with him made you feel a little less anxious since you kind of knew him already.

Your room at the compound was down the hall from Bucky as you were the only ones on that floor which suited you just fine. You weren't one for socializing much and from what you could tell, neither was Bucky so you were happy about your living arrangements. Bucky on the other hand was a little more concerned with his new partner.

"I don't know Steve; you think this is a good idea?" he asked Steve as the two of them sat down in the common room and each cracked open a beer. 

"Why not Bucky? Her test scores are off the charts both physically and mentally, she's new like you are, and you're practically roommates since you are both on the same floor. It kind of makes sense to me" he said sipping his beer. 

Bucky had met you a few times throughout the compound and he always enjoyed his time chatting with you. He found you funny, witty, strong, kind, and he also thought you were really pretty but kept that to himself. He didn't want to come off as a creep to his new partner, but Steve sensed there was more his friend wasn't telling him.

"I don't know" Bucky grumbled into his bottle and Steve eyed him. 

"What, you like her or somethin'?" he asked. 

"No" Bucky quickly said and shrunk into his seat a little more. 

"She's a strong member of our team. Show her the old Barnes charm" Steve said and nudged his friend in the arm. 

"That's not a thing" Bucky said glaring at Steve. 

"Oh, it's a thing" he laughed as he continued chatting with his best friend. 

The more he thought about it, the more he could get to know you better since you're going to be partners and everything. Maybe he would use some of that Barnes charm after all.

"Hey Y/n, wanna spar with me?" asked Bucky as he caught up to you in the hallway. 

You had just returned from an early morning hike in the woods. 

"Sure thing, let me change my shoes and I'll meet you in the gym" you said as Bucky nodded and left for the direction of the gym. 

You got your correct shoes on, grabbed some water, and headed to the gym. Bucky walked to the gym and thought about what kind of Barnes charm he would use, only making him more nervous. He wasn't this way when he would train with anyone else, only you.

This wasn't your first time sparring with Bucky, it was your second. You were a little nervous since there would be others in the gym watching you, but you brushed it off. You met Bucky at the mats and proceeded to stretch. 

"Gonna go easy on me Barnes?" you asked as you got up from the mat. 

"No, I don't think I am" he smirked and joined you in your fighting stance. 

You were holding your own against the super soldier, punching and kicking your way through the drills as Bucky twisted and turned himself at you, making you think before you countered with a move.

He showed you a few things to work on and you thanked him for helping you. He really was a great partner you thought to yourself as you stopped for a few seconds to think. You didn't notice Bucky throw his fist at your face, and your nose instantly made a crack sound then the blood started flowing. 

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