Pick you Up

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You were brought in to assist the Avengers with their most recent mission. It was a big one because the terror cell that was forming was a large one and they needed to be stopped before things got out of hand. You were a communications and logistics special agent, retired from active field missions, but were assisting with this operation. The main Avengers compound was your temporary home since you had to be in the communications office for every mission, it made sense to move you to the compound.

You started your day like every other; you woke up early, went to the gym for a quick workout, had breakfast, then lived in the communications room until it felt like your eyes were going to melt away from staring at computer monitors all day. You usually ate dinner after everyone else, just because sometimes it could get intense when the entire team was there, inside jokes, teasing, and overall loudness of them eating their meals. You preferred things to be quiet, that, and the fact that a certain dark haired super soldier would be there, teasing and flirting with you like crazy.

Sergeant Barnes, or Bucky as he asked you to call him, was a pain in your side. The man was infuriating, always had a flirty comment, and he was always in your business. He would stop by your office and drape himself over your desk so you were forced to talk to him, he'd casually wander into the gym without a shirt on making you stumble on your treadmill at the sight, and he would call you all kinds of pet names from doll, dollface, sweetheart, to your most hated: sweets. 

The man annoyed you, but he was so darn handsome you had trouble focusing. He only called you those names to get a rise out of you, at least that's what you told yourself. He's a giant flirt, always finding ways to wink at you, brush his hand along your arm, and comment on the clothes you wore.

You were tall, your body was a little on the thicker side, your hair was long and wavy you usually wore in a bun or ponytail, and you wore glasses to help you read. You certainly weren't in the same league looks wise as Nat or Wanda so having any kind of male attention on you usually sent red flags your way. 

The last relationship you were in, he cheated on you with a model. Not just any model, but a lingerie model which made the hurt so much more because there was no way you would ever look like that even if you spent a hundred years at the gym for twelve hours a day. 

The last date you went on, the guy left you mid-date for the red head at the bar, leaving you with the bill. Ever since then, you've your guard up higher, and tend to roll your eyes or back away if you ever receive a compliment or attention from a man.

You had a day off and you were taking full advantage of it. You slept in a little later than usual, took a luxuriously long bubble bath, and got caught up on some laundry and cleaning you had been neglecting. It was early afternoon when you ventured into the kitchen to grab a light snack. You saw Sam at the table and decided to join him. He was always so easy to talk to, a good listener, and he had the best jokes that always made you belly laugh. 

"Hey Sam" you said as you sat down with your plate of cheese and crackers. 

"Hey Y/n" he said as he smiled brightly at you. 

You were chatting away about the latest reality TV show you were both hooked on when Bucky walked into the kitchen and plopped himself down next to you.

"Hey, did you know the host of the show is in that new movie that's coming out soon?" you asked Sam as you finished your snack. 

"Oh, I did see the preview to that. Seems like it'll be good" he said as you smiled. 

"I'd like to take you to the movies, but they don't let you bring in your own snacks" Bucky chimed in and nudged your arm. 

You looked at him blankly and Sam snorted. 

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