Music to My Ears

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You were the newest recruit for the team, only being part of the team for a few months and you were loving it. You were a great agent; agile, quick, strong, and fearless when it came to being out in the field and on missions, but you were a complete mess in dealing with people. You were painfully shy and didn't like opening yourself up to new people but were slowly starting to at the compound. For the most part, everyone left you alone, including you when you felt comfortable, and leaving you alone if you felt like you didn't want to participate which helped you manage your thoughts and feelings.

You were, however, a complete and utter badass when it came to playing the guitar and music. You brought your acoustic guitar to the compound and were always playing it in your room as much as you could. Playing music helps you relax and keeps you grounded. You mainly play cover songs, of 90's and 00's hits, country, and of course, classic rock. There wasn't a song out there you couldn't figure out how to play. You played by sound, unable to read music, everything you knew about playing was from watching other people and videos and practicing a lot. No one at the compound knew this talent of yours because you hid it from them, or so you thought.

You used your room for playing your music since you felt too shy if you played in the common areas of the compound. You had a large room that had a small sitting area by the windows. There was a small couch and a comfy chair set up in the corner complete with a coffee table, lamp, and TV perfect for lounging and playing your music. You hung out in your room lots only because it felt like a safe place for you to relax and de-stress from training and missions.

No one really visits you in your room, apart from Steve who would occasionally pop his head in your doorway and check to see if you were ok. He was usually on his way to/from Bucky's room which was right next door to yours. Bucky was quiet and you never minded having him around since he kept to himself. Him and Steve would hang out together and the odd time Sam would join them, but he mainly was alone, like you. 

You could hear him shuffle around his room every so often, so you knew he was around. You would joke to him saying that for a former stealthy assassin, he sure could be heavy footed at times. This would make him smile and roll his eyes at you, but you could see a small blush form on his face making him look adorable for such a large guy. Usually, you and Bucky would be sitting together at meals, briefings, and on nights when you would join the team for movies or games. You weren't too sure why he was always at your side, but you weren't complaining.

You were on one of the Quinjet's returning from a week-long mission with Steve, Sam, and Bucky, your usual mission partners you were comfortable with. You were sitting across from Bucky on one of the jump seats when you overheard Steve and Sam talking. 

"I think drinks are in order after that mission" Sam said to Steve at the front of the plane. 

You were watching things from your seat. 

"Hey Buck, want to join us?" asked Steve from the pilot's seat. 

"Not sure yet" was all he said and looked over at you. 

You looked down and continued staring at your feet. 

"Hey Y/n, want to join us?" Sam asked. 

"Thanks, but I think I'll pass. Maybe another time?" you said and lightly smiled which seemed to satisfy both men. 

You had wanted to get back, shower, eat, and play some music. You needed to after this mission since it was a hard one. You weren't injured by any means, but it was tiring having to be alert and on guard for a full week with very little sleep and decent food.

What you didn't notice was how for every mission you came back from; Bucky would race back to his room and listen through the vents when you played your music. He was in love with your voice and your guitar playing, but he kept that to himself. He didn't want to seem like a creep for admitting that he listens in to your room, so he never told anyone. He felt like he was the only one you sang to since he was the only one to know about it. 

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