A Little Nudge (in the right direction)

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You woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar bedroom. The room was somewhat dark, the blanket that was over you was warm and soft, and there was something heavy tucked around you, holding you tightly. You must have fallen asleep the night before, watching a movie. As your mind became more awake, you realized where you were. 

You were watching a movie with Bucky, in Bucky's room. YOU'RE IN BUCKY'S ROOM. You blinked the sleep out of your eyes and slowly turned over on your back. From the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky next to you, softly snoring and completely relaxed. HOLY COW I'M IN BUCKY'S BED WITH BUCKY you internally screamed to yourself.

You were a high-level intel agent that happened to be staying at the compound until your apartment on site was finished. The building you were going to be living in was still in the compound but was a little further away from the main Avengers building. Until it was completed, you and a few of the other agents were staying in the main building. 

There is where you met Bucky, in the conference room. You were going over some reports on your laptop and he came in needing help with his phone, so you offered and from that day on, he's been by your side.

You had a giant crush on the man, but kept it hidden because you were supposed to be professional and not even be around, only helping the Avengers on missions from the comfort of the command centre. Now you ended up sleeping in Bucky's bed after a movie marathon night and you were a little embarrassed.

You gently placed his arm off you while you quietly rolled out from the bed, putting your shoes on, grabbed your phone, and softly snuck out of his room. Of course, Bucky heard and felt you wake up and then quietly leave. He admired your stealth-ness but was sad you felt the need to escape from him. He had thought the two of you would wake up, have breakfast together, then train, like it was a regular day. He also had wanted a few more minutes of holding you close to him, so he was a little sad you left.

He had a crush on you the day he asked you for help with his phone. He was looking for Steve or even Sam for help, but they weren't around. He saw you sitting in the conference room with papers all over the place, a pen tucked behind your ears, and you were muttering things to yourself as you scrolled through the screen of your laptop. He decided to ask you for help since he had seen you around before but only in the gym and in meetings.

The minute he walked into the room, you looked up at him and offered him a seat next to you. You were so kind and patient with him, showing him how to work his phone, joking with him and when you smiled at him when you were finished, he thought he got hit in the gut. He was instantly hooked and decided he needed to learn everything about you. From that moment on, you two hung out as much as you could. Training, meals, movies, going for walks, you did it with Bucky at your side.

When you made it to the hallway, Sam happened to walk by, saw you leave Bucky's room, and smirked at you. 

"It's not what it looks like" you pleaded. 

"Right Y/n" he said and winked at you, and you rolled your eyes at him. 

"You finally managed to un-thaw the Winter Soldier's frigid tin-like heart. You should be so lucky" Sam teased as he followed you back to your room. 

"C'mon Sam, he's not that anymore, just plain Bucky Barnes" you said as you got to your door. 

"I can tell when the cyborg is happy, and he's been a lot happier lately now that the two of you are hanging out. He likes you Y/n" Sam said. 

"Pfft, whatever Sam" as you opened your door and walked into your room, thinking about Sam's words.

Little did you know both Steve and Sam had something planned for you and Bucky. They both noticed over the last few weeks the two of you would hang out and spend as much of your time together as possible, laughing, joking, training, and sharing meals with each other. They liked the fact that their friend was in a better mood whenever you were around, and they noticed the small glances Bucky would shoot your way, smiles only reserved for you, and blushes he would get if you were around, and they liked it. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin