Unexpected Mission

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"I got your back!" you yelled at Bucky who was holding off some hostile agents. 

You turned and positioned yourself between him and the other end of the hallway. He managed to take the shooters out that were facing him, and you took out the ones that came up behind him making the hallway you were in suddenly quiet. You were able to take a few breaths and check to see if there were any injuries either of you had.

You weren't even supposed to be on this mission in active duty. You were a pilot, nothing more. Sure, you had combat and medical training over the years, but assisting with any of the Avengers mission wise was prohibited since you mostly flew them in and out of their missions. But for this one, you were accompanying Bucky since the team was stretched thin because of their own injuries and other missions happening. 

The mission report for this one stated there was only supposed to have one person manning the small base but when you and Bucky arrived, there were about 30 agents and they seemed angry and had loaded weapons at their disposal. Stupid intel. Stupid mission reports.

You had been a pilot all your life, from piloting simple single engine aircraft up to fighter jets with the military, then with SHIELD; you loved being in the sky. Active combat fighting wasn't usually your thing, but if you were called upon to fight, you could handle your own.

"Are you injured?" asked Bucky as he was looking you over and patting you down making you blush hard. 

"No, I don't think so" you said as you turned and re-loaded your gun, not used to a lot of physical contact from a man. 

You hurt all over your body from taking out this last group of agents. Like it felt like you got hit by a bus, then a stampede of elephants came up and ran over you while you were down. The last time you had to fight like this was for your training test four years ago and you were mentally cursing yourself for sluffing off at the gym. 

As Bucky was assessing you, you felt heat rise into your cheeks.

Why did it have to be HIM on this mission? Like anyone else and you'd be fine, but Bucky? Yeah, he made you nervous. 

Bucky was currently patting you all over with his hands, looking you up and down making you wince at his actions. He was feeling some lumps and rolls on your body making you feel very self-conscious. 

Sure, he was searching your body for injuries, but you felt his hands linger on certain places longer than he should making you a little flustered. 

"Stop that, I'm fine" you snapped making Bucky instantly pull his hands away and clear his throat. 

"Sorry" he mumbled, and you could have sworn you saw a touch of pink on his ears before he looked away but thought it was from the fighting earlier.

You weren't the skinniest of people as you had some stubborn areas on your body you wished would go away, so you let working out at the gym slip from your radar. You tended to focus on your flying and aircraft maintenance over anything else. Besides, every time you were in the Level 2 agent gym you were authorized to use, Bucky was there.

It was a quieter gym and a smaller one than the Avengers gym and even the level 1 agent gym, so you thought he was more comfortable there since it was hardly used. The few times you saw him, he seemed focused and didn't really talk much apart from a head nod or simple hello, then it was back to training. Little did you know, he was there because he thought you were interesting,

Truth was, you intimidated him. Every time he saw you around the compound, he would watch from afar, amazed by your intelligence and quick wit. He also thought you were beautiful, but he always kept his feelings buried deep, especially if the others were around. He didn't feel like getting teased or bothered if you were around, but he sensed they knew he had a crush on you.

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