Bakery Bliss

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It's an A/U where Bucky is a police Sergeant and you're a baker!

This was it, the day before your grand opening. You had poured your heart and soul into your bakery, obsessing about every detail, menu item, look, price you were going to charge, and it was finally happening. You were a baker from an early age, starting off in your Nana's kitchen while she looked after you, helping her with cookies and treats, and of course your mom's kitchen. You would watch them for hours making pies, cakes, tarts, cupcakes, cookies, taking in their technique, observing their measuring process, and watching them create tasty treats from scratch. You went to pastry school and most recently completed your business degree so you would have an idea on how to run a successful bakery. You knew it would be successful because of your strong social media pages. You started off baking in your kitchen, then renting commercial kitchen space when there were bigger orders or holidays, and now, you had your very own space to bake and sell from.

You chose a location that was on a fairly busy street. The bakery was sandwiched in-between a yoga studio and an insurance business. There were a few smaller shops across the street with good foot traffic and on the other side of the insurance business was a small police station. You figured with the coming and going of the people in the yoga studio and insurance business would be good for you, the police station and the officers working there would be a bonus.

You had been open for a few weeks, with a few of your online followers stopping by to check out the bakery, but you were planning a grand opening with more of a celebration, offering free coffee and cookies as a thank you to everyone who stopped by. You figured if you offered a few items for free, it would entice people to buy a few other things you had. You went all out, baking and prepping for the opening, your friend and co-owner Wanda helped you with the planning, decorating, and setting up of the bakery and you couldn't thank her enough.

"Do you think we'll have enough?" asked Wanda as she wiped down the counter for the hundredth time. 

"Of course, we will, and if not, then people will just have to come back to get more" you said. 

You had been baking up a storm, from cookies, to cupcakes, to tarts, you had managed to prepare a lot of items as you were expecting a large crowd of people. Wanda's brother was super efficient at getting your website set up, in addition to your social media pages, it was drawing a lot of attention online.

"I'm going to box up a few of these treats and pass them out to our neighbours. Remind them about our opening" as you grabbed a few of the boxes and started filling them up with a variety of treats. 

You grabbed the boxes, a handful of flyers, and headed to the yoga studio, then the insurance business. They were grateful for the treats and had left a few of your flyers at their front desks while you made your way back to the bakery. 

"Going to the police station?" Wanda asked. 

"Yeah, I may as well" you said and made up a few more boxes to leave with the officers.

You walked down the street to the police station, up the stairs, and were about to open the door when a young officer came up behind you and opened the door for you. 

"Thanks" you smiled. 

"You're welcome" he blushed. 

His name badge said P. Parker on it, and he looked like he should still be in high school. He shuffled past you and went to his desk but kept his eyes on the front. You stood in the small station, noting the desks with folders, coffee cups half drank, filing cabinets that seemed to be overflowing with files, offices with doors closed and opened, and overall quiet chaos of it all. You re-arranged the boxes of pastries in your arms and walked to the front counter where a red headed female officer greeted you.

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