Masquerade - Part 1

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"How bad a shape is it in this time?" you called from your office. 

Your partner, agent Annie Carson stood at your office doorway and cringed. 

"Not that bad...not great...but not bad" she said as you got up from your desk with your tablet in hand.

You were a level B1 senior weapons specialist with SHIELD and oversaw the re-stocking the Quin Jets with the weapons the Avengers use on their missions. You have an endless supply of Stark tech, guns, grenades, ammo, and knives at your disposal, and you always are the first to know if there were any knew weapons that need to be added into the supply. You worked closely with the lab techs and the research and development (R & D) team making sure that if there was anything new the Avengers wanted or needed, it would fit in the jets, be easily transported, and readily available. 

You also have your hand in designing and developing some new knives and hand-held weapons you know the Avengers use since those are the ones you have to re-stock the most of. You and Annie stood inside the recently used jet and watched as the gear was being unloaded. "At least it was Sam and Clint this time" Annie said to you, and you hummed in response.

You got to know how each of the Avengers used their weapons and how they treated things over the last year you had been in your position. Sam and Clint were generally very organized, clean, and used the basic weapons and of course the wings and arrows. Steve was also good since the only thing you usually had to do was polish his shield and have it ready in the jet he was using. The man didn't use guns or any other kind of tech gear, just his hands and shield when on missions making him the easiest out of everyone. 

You cringed when you had to re-stock the jet after Nat and Bucky since they would leave the jet practically empty after one of their missions. They were the worst. You knew if they were on a mission and you and Annie were the ones to re-stock the ammo, it would be a full day of work since both loved their guns and knives so much.

Speaking of Bucky, the man made your heart flutter and the butterflies in your stomach come to life every time you saw him. With his ocean blue eyes, large strong frame, long dark hair, he made you weak in the knees. You would have conversations with him, laugh, and smile at his jokes, he would stop by your office and bring you coffee and ask you about your day while brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face, only for you to snap out of it since those conversations only occurred IN YOUR HEAD since the man didn't even know you existed.

You would occasionally see Bucky walking in and out of the hangar before and after missions since your office was in the corner of the main hangar, but he had no idea you were even there. Both you and Annie worked in stealth mode. You would get the jets re-stocked usually in the evenings or overnight, like re-filling weapon ninjas. You're pretty sure the Avengers don't even know you exist, and you like to keep it like that. You would never think in a million years that Bucky Barnes would be interested in you. He was so handsome, and you, well, you were just you.

You would watch the other agents, both male and female, fall all over him and make a fuss if he was around. They would flirt with him, and he would smile and flirt a little back. You weren't like that at all. You were quiet and kept to yourself mostly and were never one to flirt since you didn't really know how. The only reason Annie was your close friend was because you work together every day and you kind of have to talk to her to do your job. If it wasn't for your job, you'd be a hermit so that alone makes you think you would never have a chance with the super soldier.

You're socially awkward and a little shy when it comes to being in large groups of people and meeting anyone new. You prefer to stay with what you know, and don't really like to take risks, which suits you just fine. You have Annie, your cat Winnie, your weapons, and that was all you needed. Well, that and your silly daydreams about the ridiculously good-looking brown hair-blue eyed super soldier with his strong back, thick arms, and broad chest. Damn your wandering mind.

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