Unnecessary Gifts

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CEO Bucky/Soft and kind Bucky - A/U! 🥰😀

You and James, or Bucky as he asked you to call him, had only been dating for a few months when you found out who he really was. You met him at a charity baseball game you were playing in. Your best friend Wanda runs an animal shelter and there was a charity tournament they were in, and she needed a few extra players, so you volunteered. Your team was up against Bucky's, and you were playing second base when he hit the ball and thought he could run all the way to second base for a double, only for you to swiftly tag him out before he could slide. 

"It must be hard running with that piano strapped to your back!" you joked as you tagged him out on the arm and ended the inning. 

Every time he was up to bat, you sassed him, and he returned the favour by teasing you if he got onto your base. After that, he insisted on meeting the girl who tagged him out and sassed him throughout the whole game, coming over into your dugout to chat with you. He ended up asking you out on a date which you happily accepted.

Your first date was simple, a few drinks on an outdoor patio followed by a stroll in a park, nothing too glamourous but still really nice. Bucky paid the bill much to your annoyance, but you shrugged your shoulders and smiled. The second date was another simple one of going to a farmers' market and wandering through the stalls, looking at all the produce and handmade goods the vendors were selling. Bucky bought you a mini watermelon which was super random and a little weird, but he said they were the best, so you agreed to carry it, making Dirty Dancing watermelon jokes throughout the entire time you wandered the market making Bucky giggle and laugh.

Whenever you saw Bucky, he usually wore jeans and a sweater or hoodie and sneakers, again, very casual, and you loved it since you're all about being as casual as can be. Dressing up and making a big fuss isn't really your thing; you'll do it from time to time, but prefer to be as casual and comfortable as possible. Bucky always seemed to come off as humble and quiet, not being over-dominant or demanding which was one of the features that attracted you to him. The last guy you dated was rude and aggressive which is a huge turn off in your opinion; Needless to say, that didn't last long.

You and Bucky had simple, non-extravagant dates and were more than happy to cook a meal together or stay in and hang out on your balcony while chatting, listening to music, and drinking wine. Bucky told you he lived downtown in a condo, but you never went there because he would always come to your apartment or meet you at a restaurant or bar. Kind of a red flag in your opinion, but he seemed to always come off as a nice, quiet guy so you left it alone. Bucky had told you he ran a business with his best friend Steve, who you met a few times, but didn't elaborate too much as he let you talk about your work, which was a graphic artist for a large marketing firm. You worked from home and loved it. He seemed genuinely interested in what you did and always asked you lots of questions about it.

After a few months of dating, it was Bucky who initiated the always nerve wracking "exclusive/let's officially be boyfriend and girlfriend" talk which you were grateful for. You were always a little shy in relationships and things with you and Bucky were going well, you were so relieved and a little shocked when he brought it up first. Shocked because he gave you a whole speech about you being really understanding and caring and him finally finding someone who values himself over everything else which was a little weird, but you were happy to be in a committed relationship with someone who adored you.

Bucky asked you to meet him at his office for a casual lunch which you happily accepted. He didn't want you to take a cab or Uber like you had planned, so he said he would send "someone" to your apartment to pick you up. When you saw the car, you had to do a double take. It was a jaguar, all black, tinted windows, and the driver was in a formal tailored suit. You were ushered into the car and whisked away to the office. 

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