A Perfect Date Night

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It was getting close to 6pm and you were pacing your room like a caged animal. Why were you so nervous? You thought to yourself. You've done this before, just not with him. You smiled when you thought of your date for the evening. Bucky had been so nervous in asking you out the previous night he almost dropped his dinner plate it was wobbling so much.

You were done eating dinner when the group decided they had enough food and started cleaning up. You noticed Bucky wander into the kitchen a little later than normal looking around awkwardly at everyone before he grabbed a plate for himself. You saw this and decided to stay with him and keep him company while he ate his meal. You and he were good friends. You had joined the team about four months prior, moving into the room next to his. He was always a little quieter than normal, preferring to stay on the outside of the group and observe, rather than join in, until you came along.

You got along with everyone right from the beginning, telling jokes, teasing everyone, and being everybody's therapist when they needed someone to talk to. Bucky saw this and instantly gravitated towards you. Steve insisted his mood shift was because you came along, but you shrugged it off and thought he was just getting more comfortable around everyone. He would hang out with you on movie nights, train with you, help you cook when it was your turn, and even sat with you on days you didn't feel well.

Everyone had left the kitchen leaving you and Bucky alone. You chatted about your day, laughed at something silly Steve did, and were about to help Bucky wash his dishes when he stood up from the table and made his way next to you, pulling you up from your chair. "What are you doing Bucky?" you asked looking up at him. "Can I ask you something?" Bucky said holding out his hand while you took it and got up from your chair. "Bucky are you ok?" you asked, now sounding more serious. "I-I'm fine Y/N" Bucky stammered. You just stood there staring at him.

"Would you like to go out with me?" Bucky asked looking into your eyes. You stood there shocked. You didn't know Bucky had any kinds of thoughts like this towards you. Of course, you thought he was handsome and had a sneaky sense of humour about him you found irresistible, but you never really paid much attention to anything else. You figured he didn't see you as more of a friend, so you always left those thoughts alone.

"Of course, Bucky" you said smiling at him. He squeezed your hand and let it go before giving you the brightest smiles you have ever seen. "Ok then" he said still smiling. He grabbed his empty plate, but he was still slightly nervous because he almost dropped it making you giggle. He blushed like crazy, and you grabbed the plate from his hand and told him you would put it in the dishwasher for him before he injures himself. He was so nervous he started to leave the room when you had to grab his hand and ask him when he would like this date and what he had planned. "Uh..." he said looking around. "Tomorrow night? If that works?" he said smiling. "Tomorrow's good" you said. "Time?" "Oh, how about 6?" he asked. "6 it is, see you tomorrow" you said smiling at him. "Great, see you tomorrow" he said leaving the kitchen.

The butterflies were making their presence known and were trying to escape the confines of your stomach when you heard a knock at your door, snapping you out of your memory. You had no idea what he had planned so you hoped you dressed appropriately. You opened the door and saw Bucky standing there in black jeans, long sleeved blue shirt, and black jacket holding a bouquet of yellow roses, your favourite. "Bucky, these are lovely" you said as you took the time to smell them and check them over. "Glad you like them" he said smiling nervously. "Thank you" you said giving him a quick hug. You took the bouquet and placed them in a glass of water you had in your room and grabbed a jacket. "So, where are we off to?" you asked. "It's a surprise" Bucky said holding your hand.

You made your way to the garage towards Bucky's truck when he guided you towards his bike instead. "I think we'll take this out tonight" he said handing you a helmet giving you a wink. "Ok" you said eyeing up the motorcycle. Bucky's motorcycle was his pride and joy. He was very particular about his bike and rarely let anyone near it, so you couldn't help but feel special you got to ride on it. He sat down first steadying the bike allowing you to climb on. You got yourself set and proceeded to wrap your arms around his waist giving him a quick squeeze letting him know you were ready.

You took off out of the garage and headed to your first stop. The weather was cooler for the middle of September, and you were glad you had a jacket as the air was whipping around your tightly held bodies. You could feel Bucky's sides contract with every twist and turn the bike made sending shivers throughout your body. You still had no idea where the two of you were going. It was a few more minutes when he pulled into a large parking lot and parked the bike.

You noticed there were about six different kinds of food trucks scattered around the grounds with picnic tables and chairs set up. "I've always seen this place, but I've never been here before" you said eyeing up the menu boards from the trucks. "Hope you're hungry" Bucky said holding your hand. You scoured the menus and decided on sharing some food, that way, you could try each other's dishes without having to commit to something in case you didn't like it. "I trust you with your choices" you said to Bucky as you separated and stood in your lines. He felt he should pay for the food, but you insisted on paying for the dishes you were getting, reminding him it wasn't the 40's anymore.

You went to a taco truck, a Thai one, and a donut food truck and Bucky went to the Burger one, a Middle Eastern food truck, and one that sold pie. You met at a picnic table with your trays of food, sampling them all. Bucky was not a fan of the Middle Eastern truck, but you liked it. You gave him the tacos you got from the Mexican food truck and you both shared the other ones. The donut you got was a maple bacon donut which you giggled at Bucky when he initially turned his nose up at it, but you made him try it. He liked it and ended up eating the entire thing in two bites. He reluctantly shared his piece of blueberry pie with you that he got from the pie truck, but you were so full he ended up eating the whole thing. 

"This was fun" you said to Bucky as you were finishing the food. "I'm glad you liked it" Bucky said smiling at you. "C'mon, I have one more surprise for you" he said as he held your hand as you walked back to his bike. You hopped on the bike, giving him a bigger squeeze, and held on tight as you took off to your next destination.

You pulled into another parking lot, but this time, you knew where you were. You were in a small lot of a roadside fair. You had seen the fair a few days prior when you and Nat went shopping together. You always liked rides and carnivals when you were little, so you were happy to visit it with Bucky. You both walked hand in hand throughout the fair, taking in the sights and smells of the night. 

Bucky insisted on trying to win you a stuffed bear from one of the carnival games but after three unsuccessful attempts at tossing a bean bag at some milk jugs to knock them all down, he gave up and hung his head in shame. You tried and on your first attempt, you managed to win yourself a stuffed bear causing Bucky to frown in defeat. "It's ok Buck, I don't mind winning myself prizes" you jokingly said to him as he rolled his eyes. "Plus, the games are rigged anyways" you said patting him on the back for reassurance. He grumbled while you walked arm in arm to the rides.

You rode a bunch of rides and acted like kids again. You were giggling like fools after getting off the tilt-a-whirl not before Bucky whisked you to the scrambler causing more fits of laughter from the both of you. You were winding down the night when you decided to relax on the Ferris Wheel. "I had a lot of fun tonight" you said to Bucky as you sat back and watched the operator lock up the safety bar. "I'm glad" Bucky said wrapping his arm around your shoulders snuggling you close to him.

As the ride started to lift you up into the night, Bucky nuzzled his head into your neck making you giggle and hold his hand. When you got to the top of the wheel, it stopped and you were both staring out into the dark night, illuminated by the ride lights. "Nice view" you said looking out. "Yes, it is" Bucky said looking at you while ignoring the view you were watching. You rolled your eyes at his cheesy line and smiled. He leaned in a little closer to you while you did the same, and he gave you a kiss. "I'm glad you asked me out" you said to Bucky as the ride was descending. "I am too" he said as he cuddled you closer.

Bucky Barnes One Shots and ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin