Unexpected Mission - Part 3

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A/N: Last one in this series! Steve is kind of an oblivious knob in this - sorry!

"BUCKY!" you screeched as Sam left the room cackling away. 

"What?" he said looking down at the floor. 

"Is that true? Is the room across the hall also a safe house?" you asked, and Bucky nodded then cringed lightly. 

He felt awful you found out. 

"Take me there. I want to see it." you said with a hand on your hip. Bucky walked to the door, and you followed him into the hall. 

He popped open the switch on the lock that was hidden and placed his thumb on the panel and the door unlocked without an issue. You walked in first, followed by Bucky.

The room was an exact match to the one you were in, but it didn't look as used. The bed was the same, old, and rickety looking as you looked around. 

"Come on, let's go" Bucky said from behind you. 

"Hang on, may as well see if there's any pants that fit me here. Can't go pantless in the cockpit" you snorted as you made your way to the closet. 

You rummaged through the shelves and found a basic black pair of sweatpants and shimmied into those with Bucky looking away. You already shared a bed, he saw your underwear and body stuffed in a skimpy towel, you weren't sure why he was looking away from you and blushing, but it made you smile a little. You were grateful the pants were a little larger on you as you pulled the drawstring tight. You didn't really look at Bucky as you took one last glance around the room, then walked out and back into your room with Bucky following. 

"Y/n" Bucky said seeming to want to say more but you heard Steve call to you. 

"Let's go" you said gathering your clothes and leaving the room with Bucky following.

You met with Sam and Steve as they walked ahead of you to the waiting jet. 

"Good job on that mission. Base has been levelled and nothing has been detected from the rubble" Steve said as you sat down in the pilot's seat and got the jet ready. 

"Thanks" you quietly said. 

Bucky didn't join you in the cockpit seat as he usually would as he sat in one of the jump seats staring at you. You felt sad he didn't want to join you as you started your pre-flight checklist. Sam joined you up front and you chatted as you took off and headed back to the compound.

The ride back was filled with Sam telling jokes and stories while Bucky and Steve were in their seats, quietly talking to one another. Occasionally, you would glance back and smile, but Bucky kept his head down. You felt bad you didn't get to talk to him before leaving and made a mental note to find him when you returned. 

"Oh, there's a party Tony's having tonight" Steve said as he twisted his head around the corner to tell Sam and you. 

You never attended parties that the Avengers were at since you were only a pilot. The only party you usually attended was the annual Christmas party you reluctantly and haphazardly dressed up for. You weren't one for dresses and getting your hair done so you usually avoided them altogether. That and the fact that your job was at a much lower level than the Avengers, so you were never allowed to go to them in the first place.

"Sounds like it'll be fun" Sam said as you were quietly pressing buttons on your console. 

"You comin' Y/n?" Sam asked you as you pretended you didn't hear Steve. 

Bucky was watching intently from his seat. 

"Me? Oh, no, I don't think so. I'm not usually invited to your parties" you smiled and went back to your buttons. 

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