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"Damn it Bucky, why did you have to touch that?" you angrily yelled at the Sergeant. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I thought it would be fine" Bucky shouted back. "Ugh, so annoying" you said while slumping down on one of the jump seats of the jet.

The two of you were on a small, overnight mission to retrieve a biological vile and bring it back to Bruce. When you retrieved the vile, it was in a protective case, but it somehow got dislodged from it and ended up loose in the pocket of Bucky's cargo pants. When you grabbed the vile from the pocket to show Bruce through the video call you were about to make, you discovered the vile was out of the case and the lid was slightly ajar. You had no idea what was in the vile, but it wasn't good.

You immediately called Bruce, and he advised the both of you had been exposed and needed to quarantine ASAP. Bruce entered co-ordinates into the jet you were on, and it took you to a safe cabin in the woods, away from the public while he figured out the next plan. You glared at Bucky while learning this information and he just put his head down and stared at his feet. You didn't want to make him feel bad, but this was beyond frustrating.

Not only were you exposed to some sort of weird biochemical tool Bruce needed, but you also had to now live with Bucky, the man that was beyond annoying. You and he got along on missions and when training, but he bothers you the rest of the time. He always plays pranks on you, teases you when he can, and just downright frustrates you at all possible costs. On the rare occasion when he's not annoying you, the two of you get along quite well.

You find him smart, funny, and he does care, but he can be a jerk sometimes. Now and then he'll come into your room and chat about your day, ask you questions about the music you listen to and the shows you're currently watching. You two watch movies together in the theatre room when you can, even sitting together on the same couch, snuggled up with a blanket, but he can still be annoying when he tugs your hair or steals your popcorn making you make yourself another bowl. He reminds you of a pesky raccoon that won't go away; cute but annoying.

Bruce had a medical team sent up to meet you who took your vitals and blood samples and sent them back to Bruce for analyzing. When you finished with the medical team, they left you supplies for the cabin, and your bags with more clothes and toiletries you would need for the coming days or weeks; you really weren't sure how long the two of you had to be isolated.

When you got inside of the cabin, it was quaint. It had a cute kitchen that opened into a living room with a large fireplace and comfortable couch that sat in front of it. You noticed there was a double bed off to the side of the fireplace and the bathroom was next to that. This was going to be a long quarantine you thought to yourself as you threw your bag down on the small bed.

"I'm going for a shower" you said to Bucky as you rummaged through your bag to see what there was to wear. He just nodded to you from the couch he was sitting on. Luckily you had a few friends on the medical team who knew you and was able to pack some decent clothes for you as you silently thanked them for their choices. You put your toiletry case in the bathroom and decided on a blissfully hot shower.

When you got out of the shower, you could smell the food from the kitchen. You walked in the kitchen and found Bucky making some pasta and salad for supper. "This smells delicious" you said to Bucky as you grabbed a plate. "Thanks for making this" you said to him while munching away. "It was no problem" Bucky said while joining you at the table. "I figured we should eat now, then we can relax later on" he said looking at you. "Fine by me, I'm actually a little tired to be honest" you said. "I'll clean up while you go for your shower" you said. He nodded and finished his plate. You finished cleaning up the kitchen and was sitting on the couch when you noticed Bucky walk out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.

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