Take me out to the Ballgame

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You had only just been with the team for a few months, so you were the "new recruit" of the group. You mainly kept to yourself, enjoying the friendly banter between everyone else, joining in every so often. You liked Sam and Steve the best since they were so friendly and welcoming. Nat and Wanda were nice too, but it was hard to read them, and they didn't seem to open up to you right away as the guys did. Then there was Bucky. You liked it when he was around since he never really talked that much, like you. You would often sit next to him in group settings since he was the quietest and he would lightly nod and politely smile at you letting you know it was ok to sit next to him.

Of course, you thought he was handsome and if you were being honest, quite fine-looking, but you wanted to keep things professional. Bucky would also help you out with training and he showed you around the grounds of the Compound when you would both go for hikes, occasionally talking to one another. You appreciated his patience with you and liked that he was kind and friendly to you.

When you were added to the team, the amount of paperwork you had to fill out was mind-blowing. Everything from psych evaluations to dental records, to blood samples were collected in addition to your hobbies, likes and dislikes, relationships both past and present, and everything in between was compiled and stored in the records department at the compound. Some of the questions felt very intrusive and some were outright ridiculous, but it was part of the job you had signed up for.

You were reading a book on one of the couches in the living room when you noticed Sam walk in and sit down and smile weirdly at you. Bucky was also in the room on the other chair reading a book as well but keeping his eye on things. 

"What are you doing Sam, you're creeping me out a little" you said eyeing him up suspiciously. 

"I'm in a slo-pitch tournament this Saturday, a charity one for the local animal shelters." He said still grinning. 

"Oh, that's nice" you said then went back to your book. 

You had played fastpitch all your life, even going as far as being a substitute player on the Olympic team but you kept that piece of information hidden from the team since you always felt weird about it and a little shy and awkward.

To say you knew what you were doing with a glove and bat was an understatement. You knew you were good, but you never let it get to your head. You loved your time playing and loved your teammates, but that part of your life was over. 

"I'm needing another female player for the team since one of ours dropped out last minute" Sam said smiling. 

"I'm sure Nat can help you out with that" you said as you went back to reading. 

"I don't want Nat" Sam said blankly. 

"I want you" he said. 

"I don't know what you mean Sam" you said not looking up from your book.

"A little birdie told me about your accomplishments. Apparently, you're quite the ball player" Sam said grinning from ear to ear. 

"Is that so?" you heard Bucky speak for the first time all morning which made you blush for some weird reason. 

You looked over in his direction and he had put his book down and was watching you. You turned your head back to Sam. 

"Sam, did you use Redwing to spy on me?" you asked. 

"Maybe" he admitted. 

"Sam, that's screwed up!" you shrieked. 

Just then Steve walked in and sat down on the couch next to you and was watching you and Sam intently.

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