Calling in a Favour

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"Hey Bucky, remember that time a few months ago when you said you owed me one?" you stated walking into the living room where everyone was watching TV. 

"Yeah, what's up?" asked Bucky from his spot on the couch. 

"Well, I think it's time I cash in on that" you smirked.

***Flashback to two months ago***

"I really don't want to go" said Bucky as he walked into your room pouting. 

You were getting ready to leave for an art gallery show for the night. Tony had signed you and Bucky up to go to his friend's gallery, making a public appearance as a favour so you would draw in a crowd. You didn't mind the fact that you were going to a gallery show, it's just that, this gallery specializes in fine art, which is a little far from your personal taste in art and Bucky's as well. He hates going to these, having to make small talk to strangers, dressing up, being in hot stuffy places, and drinking mediocre drinks while trying to look interested. 

"C'mon Bucky, it won't be so bad" you said while tapping his arm. 

"Wish I could say no and get out of it" he mumbled. 

"Want me to see if I can get you out of it?" you asked. 

You were a master at getting out of things with your words and imagination. 

"Can you?" asked Bucky with wide eyes. 

"Let me see" as you scrolled through your phone and started texting Tony.

Bucky was watching you intently while you were texting back and forth when you looked up from your phone and smiled. 

"How much do you love me?" you asked while winking. 

"Really?" he asked with a giant smile on his face making your heart flutter and soar. 

"Yup, you're good to stay home and relax tonight, Sarge. But stay in your room just in case." You stated as you put your phone in your clutch. 

"I still have to go to this thing, but I don't mind. I'll take one for the team, drink some cheap champagne, mingle, and pretend to be interested in weird art." you nudged Bucky in his arm. 

"Thanks doll, I owe you one" Bucky said and kissed your cheek making you blush. 

"You know it Barnes" you said leaving your room.

***End of flashback***

"What do I have to do?" asked Bucky from his spot on the couch. 

You threw down an envelope on his lap and proceeded to wedge yourself next to him and Sam on the couch. 

"Watch it Y/n" Sam said as he was shoving you to the side. 

"Move over then" you mumbled now sitting eerily close to Bucky. 

Bucky opened the envelope and looked at it strangely. 

"A wedding invitation?' he asked. 

"Yeah, but not just any wedding invitation, an invitation to my ex-boyfriend Ryan and my cousin Addie's wedding on Saturday. I replied a few months ago with a plus one taking a chance I would have a real date, but I don't, so I'm asking you if you would go with me." you grumbled. 

"Wow" he said. 

"No kidding" said Sam who was now interested in your conversation. 

"I didn't know about this" Steve said from the chair opposite of you. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora