New Neighbour

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It's a Bucky A/U! He doesn't have a metal arm in this so if you want to imagine him with a metal arm and as an Avenger, then go ahead and do so. I made him pretty generic in this one apart from having an ex-wife which is barely mentioned as well.


You had lived in your apartment building for a few years now, making friends with most of the people on your floor. You were sad when Mr. Wilson moved out since he was such a good and quiet neighbour. You were nervous because you were unsure of who the new tenant would be. You had hoped they were quiet like Mr. Wilson or at the very least, considerate of the time of day. The walls were thin in the old building you lived in, so you were just praying that whoever moved in was going to be nice and quiet.

You watched as two trucks stopped out front and were being unloaded by two men who were freakishly fit and handsome, moving the boxes with ease. Lucky for you, your computer desk was right near the window, so you had a good clear view of the show while you returned some emails and did some online shopping. One of the men was tall, had blonde hair, broad shoulders, and a wholesomeness about him you couldn't look away from. The other had dark hair, slightly on the longer side, was tall like his friend and equally strong looking and just as handsome, if not more. When he turned to talk with his friend, you noticed his piercing blue eyes that made your heart skip a beat and wished for that moment you were staring into them. You forced yourself out of your daydream and continued observing the move in process. You watched the two men argue and bicker, but they always had a smile on their face. You heard footsteps down the hall and knew they were going next door to you.

The following day, you got up early for work, downed some coffee and grabbed a granola bar before slipping on your scrubs and walking to work. You were a veterinary assistant at an animal clinic a few blocks from your apartment. You loved it, being able to help sick and injured animals. The job took a toll on you at times, especially if there were any sad diagnoses or appointments where you had to comfort a newly grieving owner, but you wouldn't change it for the world. You loved all animals (Except snakes – you were still terrified of them) and had wanted to help them from an early age.

"Morning Y/n" Dr. Thompson said from his office. 

"Morning" you said and grabbed the charts for the day. 

"Morning Lizzie" you said to the other assistant who arrived shortly after you. 

"Morning Y/n. Ooh, have you met your new neighbour yet?" she asked as she put on the coffee maker. 

"Not yet, but maybe when I get home?" you said. 

"Let me know how it goes. I have my fingers crossed it's someone handsome and cute for you" she giggled. 

You rolled your eyes at her.

Lizzie was newly engaged and was in full wedding planning mode. Wedding magazines and her Pinterest boards were the usual topic of conversation on breaks as well as her trying to get you to be with someone since she found her person. 

"All I'm saying Y/n, is that you should date more, see who's out there" she would say. 

"I took a chance on someone I wouldn't normally go for, and now we're engaged!" she beamed. 

"Yeah, I know. I just think that when it's the right time to meet someone, it'll happen naturally" you said.

The bell on the front door of the clinic rang which was the signal your day was starting. You met with a few regulars for their annual exams, filled some prescriptions, did some supply and food inventory, weighed an adorable floofy golden retriever puppy named Winston, and assisted with a nail trim on a great dane named Smalls when it was getting time to close the clinic for the day. 

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