Dancing Queen

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****Kind of inspired by the video of Seb dancing during quarantine when he hits his head on the light fixture....

Bucky watched from afar as you were dancing up a storm with Nat and Wanda by your side, not caring what you looked like and what kind of music you were listening to. He lightly chuckled to himself at the way you sang along to the lyrics, goofing up a few of them in the process while you shrug your shoulders, and continue like nothing happened. He liked watching you have a good time, smile, and be happy.

He stood at the bar with Steve on his left and Sam on his right while listening to one of Sam's drawn-out stories. He must have zoned out because you had to snap your fingers in front of him to focus on you. 

"Hey Buck" you said as you snapped your fingers in front of his face. 

"Huh?" he mumbled and looked at you. 

"I said I am getting another water re-fill, you want anything?" and pointed to your glass. 

Bucky shook his head no and smiled at you. You didn't drink so you were usually the DD or person counted on for safety and order if things got too crazy.

You had all just returned from a long grueling mission that took a toll on everyone's body, both mentally and physically; it was a miracle you made it out there relatively unharmed with all the bombs and gunfire that happened. Blowing off a bit of steam at a club in the VIP section was just what you needed. You all threw on your best outfits and headed for a fun night out.

You got your water and stood by the guys, joining them in their conversation. 

"Good one Sam" you teased as he told you he asked for a girl's number, and she turned him down because she only dated ladies. 

"Did you open with one of your terrible pick-up lines?" you teased as Sam frowned at you. 

"I think she just told you that so you would leave her alone" Bucky joked and you high fived him. 

Sam grumbled something about needing to go back to the tower and left with a scowl on his face. The three of you giggled at him and sat down at a table, enjoying the music.

"Hey Steve, it is true Bucky was a real ladies' man back in the day? Even dancing up a storm and everything?" you asked as you winked over at Bucky who sat there with a wide expression on his face. 

"Oh, it's true Y/n. Buck here was a real skirt chaser back in the day. Always had a dame on his arm. Couldn't keep him off the dancefloor, dates every weekend, sometimes two in one night!" he teased. 

"Wow Buck, I'm impressed. I can't even get a regular date let alone get two in one night" you nudged his arm. 

Bucky cringed slightly as he hated stories Steve told of his former self since it makes him feel like a creep in today's time for dating ¾ of the girls in Brooklyn. True, he wasn't that man anymore, but part of him wanted to desperately take you by the arm and swing you around the dancefloor but had no idea how with today's music. He hated the club music as it made his ears and chest hurt with the pounding. Plus, he wasn't a fan of some of the lyrics as they confused him.

Steve got up and went to find Nat and Wanda as the party was starting to wind down leaving you and Bucky alone at the table. 

"You know Bucky, I'd dance with you in a heartbeat" you quietly said and smiled at him. 

"Really?" he asked. 

"Absolutely. I'd like to see what the hype of dancing with James Barnes is all about" you giggled, and he blushed hard as he thanked the gods the area was dark so you couldn't see the colour on his face. 

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