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You dreaded going to Tony's parties, like despised them. Sure, you could loosen up and have a good time with your best friends, but for the most part, they were torture for you. Not for the fact that you had to dress up; you didn't' mind one bit wearing dresses and getting your hair and makeup done as it was a treat for you when you did. You usually wore leggings, tank tops, and hoodies so it was nice to wear something else rather than spandex and Lycra.

Tony being Tony, adored making grand entrances, so the main party lounge had a large staircase leading from the main elevator down to the party level. If anyone gets off the elevator, they immediately must walk down the staircase, so everyone gets a good view of you.

The first time you had experienced this was your first party you attended as a new member of the team. You got off the elevator ready to meet people when you noticed everyone turn to stare at you while you made your way down the staircase. Whispers and looks were all you could think about as you prayed to a higher power you didn't stumble and fall down the stairs like a giant klutz. Thankfully you didn't fall flat on your face as you made your way to the bottom of it and made a beeline towards one of the bars at the back of the room. Quite the nerve-wracking experience.

The party after that, you got smart and headed up one of the back staircases and arrived with some of the servers, slipping in unseen. You were grateful as you looked around thinking no one noticed you, but someone did, a certain Bucky Barnes noticed. He had been at the back of the room chatting with Sam when he saw you stick your head out of the emergency exit staircase door, look around, breathe a sigh of relief, and look around for Nat and Wanda in the crowd. He smiled lightly at you and carried on chatting with Sam.

At the next party, Bucky kept an eye on the back staircase while you did the same thing. You would peek your head out, scan the room, and head to find Nat or Wanda. He would chuckle to himself as he watched you from afar.

Tony found out and took exception to you doing this and insisted you make your way down the staircase so he could properly show off his team to the crowd. You made a mental note to change the security passwords to his lab the following day to spite him.

After that, you, Nat, and Wanda would arrive together to the parties and make your way down the staircase so everyone could watch. Just as you got used to the walk down the staircase, there was another issue you had to deal with. As you made your way to the bottom of the staircase, usually Steve and Vision were there to escort both Nat and Wanda into the party, leaving you standing alone awkwardly as they would leave you. It was humiliating. You didn't have anyone to wait for you at the bottom of the staircase, so you usually slinked to the bar alone with a fake smile on your face silently dying on the inside. That seemed to be the hardest part for you was the fact that you had no one.

"I'm not going Nat, I don't want to be embarrassed again" you complained as the two of you were finishing up your sparring session. Sam, Steve, and Bucky were also in the gym going over some of the new equipment that was dropped off. You were trying to keep your voice down, but it was hard when you were frustrated. "C'mon Y/N" Nat said as she grabbed your hand. "Easy for you to say, you always have a handsome guy waiting for you at the bottom of the staircase waiting to whisk you away" you grumbled as you sat down to stretch. "I can see if Sam is around to help you" Nat said looking over at the guys. "God No! I'd never get rid of him for the night!" as you shook your head and giggled. "I just think I would be best if I skip the next party" you said. Steve and Bucky were making their way over to the mats for their sparring session and Sam was heading to one of the treadmills.

"What's up ladies?" Steve said as he grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on the mats joining you. Bucky grabbed a water but stood back watching. "Y/N has decided to not go to the party tomorrow night" Nat said to Steve. "Why is that Y/N?" Steve asked with concern. "Ugh, no reason, I just need a break. Plus, the last mission was a hard one and I could use some rest" you said looking around awkwardly. "It'll be fun" Steve said smiling at you. "Yeah, I think I'll pass" you said getting up from the mat. You left Nat and Steve on the mats with Bucky observing in the back as he usually did. You didn't notice his disappointed look on his face as you were leaving.

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