Awkward Flirt

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To say you were awkward was an understatement. You were beyond awkward. Like if someone were to look up the word awkward in the dictionary, your photo would be next to it.

You had joined the Avengers a little over a year ago since you moved up to the top levels of SHIELD as a high-ranking field agent. Fury thought your skills could be used on the team, so he brought you in. You fit in well with everyone and made fast friends but there was one who you were unsure about.

James Bucky Barnes was your floormate, training partner, and mission partner at the compound. You and he did everything together work wise, but when there weren't any missions or training, you and he would barely hang out together, but you wanted too so bad. You wanted to hang out with him and watch a movie, or go for a walk, but you could never build up the courage to ask him. You never understood your awkwardness. If you and Bucky were training or on missions, you were a Rockstar, but put Bucky in the same room as you, and you turned into a complete hot mess dough head.

Why? Well, you had a giant crush on the man. Like the jolly green giant but bigger than him, but you were an adult, and adults didn't get crushes, right? You always told yourself that to make your mind forget and move on, but every time you tried, it never lasted. You were a complete mess if he was around. 

Wanda was the only person to know about your feelings for Bucky since she casually slipped into your mind one morning while all of you were in the kitchen eating breakfast. Once you were done, she followed you to your room and told you what she had done. She apologized for invading your private thoughts, but she couldn't help herself since she noticed you were a tense mess at the end of the table and wanted to make sure you were alright.

That was almost a year ago and you now found yourself at one of Tony's parties, standing alone by a bar, watching the crowd. You weren't into parties at all since you weren't a fan of large crowds and loud noises, but you sucked it up, threw on a basic dress, and showed up. You told yourself you would only stay for an hour, then head to your room, but a certain someone caught your eye. You looked over at Bucky who was standing next to Steve, and you couldn't take your eyes off him.

This was a usual occurrence for you. You would sneak glances at him every so often in the hopes he wouldn't notice or see you. The glances at him would then slow your need to see more of him, only for those needs to grow and grow until you were a staring robot. You had told yourself you were being a weirdo, but you couldn't help it. There was something about the super soldier that made you weak in the knees. You were drawn to him, and it only made you more flustered because you had no idea why.

Bucky stood at the back of the room with Steve by his side. 

"These parties are so stupid" Bucky complained to his best friend. 

"I know, but they aren't so bad. It's better than doing nothing" he said shrugging his shoulders as he took a sip of his beer. 

Bucky huffed out a sigh. 

"Hey there's Y/n over at the other bar" Steve said and smiled in your direction. 

Bucky looked over and smiled lightly and gave a slight wave to you. 

"She's staring again..." Steve said, and Bucky blushed. 

"Is it weird?" asked Steve. 

"Huh? What's weird?" replied Bucky who was still watching at you. 

"Y/n staring at you" Steve said with a chuckle. 

"Come on Steve, she's not staring. She looked over and saw us, that's it" Bucky said as he looked over at you again. 

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