Chapter 6

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My heart drops. My stomach drops. Every single organ in my body drops.

All heads turn to me and Neymar as we look at each other from the opposite side of the room, the look of horror taking over both of our faces. We're all silent for about 20 seconds, trying to register what Xavi just told us.

Suddenly, Leo stands up, tears in his eyes smiling as he makes his way over to Neymar. "Congratu-!" He begins cheering to an extent, as he was still a victim of possible alcohol poisoning like the rest of us.
"SHUT UP LEO!" Neymar yells, which makes the kitten go flying up into the air jumping. He quickly apologises to her before comforting her, snuggling her into his chest then looks up to me looking horrified again.

The ring.

"I thin-" Neymar starts saying, starting to breathe really fast.

"Oh my god." I groan placing my head into my hands, placing down the photo, until I feel a hand rub my back.
"Don't worry Avi! You might have got him to split all his money" Sergi says enthusiastically, making Neymar look like he was about to throw up.
"I think I'm having a panic attack. I think I'm having a panic attack!" Neymar repeats completely freaking out at the thought of being married to a complete stranger, moving the kitten to the floor so he doesn't hurt her.

"Give me that!" Leo rushes over to Luis, snatching his fortunately empty paper vomit bag and shoves it in Neymar's face, making him breathe through the paper bag whilst rubbing his back repeatedly saying "you'll get through this."
"Jesus Christ will you calm down and sort yourself out!" I yell at him completely panicking myself at the reality of being married to a complete and utter stranger who just happens to be fucking Neymar Jr.
"Don't invalidate your husbands feelings!" Leo shouts back over to me
"Don't say that!" Pique yells back before Leo turns his attention back to poor princess Neymar who just starts freaking out and breathing more frequently at the words 'your husbands'. We're literally in the same situation! Well, in a way.

At this point everyone in the room were talking over each other until Iniesta speaks up.
"I don't even think the reception even knew what a prenup was. Ney don't worry you've still got all your things to yourself." Iniesta comforts him with an arm around him, causing him to somehow freak out even more, still incredibly stressed. Drama queen. I mean yeah fair enough we're both panicking but really!?
"What do you mean you don't think the reception knew what a prenup was!? It's a wedding reception, of course they would know, its their jobs!" Neymar screeches, his voice cracking, taking his mouth out of the paper bag.
"Well, I wouldn't really say that; this random Spanish guy who had the little shop, well, the wedding venue, right next to the beach insisted you signed this sheet of paper and that was it, we celebrated and yeah."

"They had loads of rings on display, which they most likely stole to be honest but you Ney-" He pauses now laughing, definitely no longer comforting him "-You went and asked for the most expensive one, convinced you were in love. 60K you spent!" He says holding his stomach laughing
"60 THOUSAND!?" I shriek automatically looking down at the ring. Actually that's like a day for these lot, I could definitely sell this. I take it back, maybe this isn't so bad after all.

"Guys, I don't feel good..." We hear Luis mutter

"Neither do I!" Neymar just throws his hands on his head unphased by the actual price of the ring it seems, forgetting about the bag. "I can't be married! What will Davi think, oh my god what will my parents think!? Knowing their son married a random woman he knows nothing about! My dad is going to kill me! What about the media??" He groans

"This is your fault!" He accuses at me. Oh not again.


"MY FAULT? HOW IS TH-" I say but get interrupted by Luis running to the closest bin, which coincidently was right next to me and starts violently yacking his guts up. Causing me to let out a massive scream as I run to the opposite side of the room covering my ears and closing my eyes as shut as they could go.
"Give her that!" Neymar yells to Leo over the sound of Luis violently vomming, passing Leo the paper bag who tries to put it in my hands.
"I don't want the paper bag!" I yell back, swatting it away. This was an absolute mess.
"Woah, woah, woah, everyone calm the fuck down, it'll be fine. We'll go back down to the love shack-" Iniesta begins

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