Chapter 19

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~a/n here~
BUT this chapter is the same though! Every time I finish a chapter, I save them on word in case they do get deleted or anything like this because I'm paranoid ASF!!
So if you've already read this chapter, it's basically the exact same so no need to reread if you don't want tooo❤️❤️



"Wait, wait, wait." Rafaella says. "What!?"
"I know." I say. It was currently our Galentines day, and I had been so busy in between the time I saw her last, and with work, I was only now just telling her about what had happened when I went out with Rafinha.

"Girl you're gonna make me spit out my Unicorn Frappuccino." She says with her wide eyes in shock. "He tried to kiss you!?"
"Girl he was literally drunk!" I explain again. "It was a disaster!"
"Why was he- I can't believe this!" She gasps.
"I couldn't either!!" I tell her. "We went to the movies; it was all fine, we were talking like normal people." I run her through what happened. "And he was being a little flirty I won't lie-"
"Did you flirt back?" She asks straight away.
"No!" I tell her. "I don't like him like that!" I whisper. I see the corners of her lips go up, like she was trying to fight back a smile but I choose to brush it off.

"But I thought you were both on a date?" She asks.
"Hey, I never agreed on a date." I clarify. "He asked if we could go out to get to know each other, I asked as friends and he said sure, that in my eyes at least was not a date!"
"Babe, I think he might've thought that was a date, especially if he had some drinks when he asked you at Ney's party." She gives me a sympathetic laugh.
"Ughhh." I put my head in my hands. "How do I get into these situations." Even I cant help but laugh now.

"I know." She laughs. "First of all you marry my brother, now this with Rafinha, god girl what's next."
"Probably something with Gee." I sigh.
"Ugh not her." She scoffs.
"I know. I've still heard nothing from her." I explain.
"Really?" She raises her eyebrows. I give her a nod. "Pussy." She mutters, cracking me up.
"Ugh I don't want to think about her." I groan.
"Wanna go back to Rafinha?" She asks, looking amused.
"Actually yeah." I laugh. "I'll deal with Gee another time." I shake my head.

"Hi girls, can I get you anything?"
"You don't do vodka do you?" I ask in despair, causing the waitress to laugh.
"Boy troubles?" She asks, probably thinking of today being Valentines day.
"You guessed it."
"I'll get you another drink, on the house." She sends us a smile.
"Thank you." We both say before she goes off into the building.

"So, what else happened with Rafinha?" She asks me.
"So he was clearly being flirty, which I didn't reciprocate because I don't see him that way." I make clear. "But nothing else really happened in the movies." I shrug off.
"The restaurant however..." She laughs.
"Yep." I laugh with her. "I thought it was a bit formal to go to a restaurant but he insisted so we went and it was all fine, just usual talk like normal people, nothing more, nothing less..." I begin to explain. I pause for a moment.

"And then he got pissed on champagne..." I say, immediately cracking Rafaella up far more than before. "Started going on about his failed love life-" I continue, making her laugh more and more. "He cried at one point, told me he was so desperate he was even thinking about asking out Linda the receptionist." I list, and at this point Rafaella was in stitches. "And then tried to kiss me at the end of the night whilst I was literally helping him stand up straight."

"But I don't think he remembered like any of it!" I add.
"Oh god no!" She laughs.
"So in his head it went great." I explain, making her laugh even more. "So the next day-" I take a breath in. "He said he wanted to see me again." I recall.
"Wait when?" She suddenly stops laughing.
"Today." I state.
"Today!?" She asks.
"For Valentines day." I clarify.
"Oooo." She grimaces.
"I told him I would get back to him, but I don't know what to say now todays the actual day." I groan. "Like I could just tell him how I feel but I don't want to send him over the edge you know." "I get you, Rafinha's a little- um, sensitive." She giggles.
"Especially on champagne." I laugh, shaking my head. I rest my head up with my hand on the table.

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