Chapter 53

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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE!! OKAY I'M BACK SORRY GUYSSSS i've been editing the book instead of making new chapters and just been super busy with college and everything WHOOPSIES 🤭🤭 i gotta do what i gotta do i'm afraid 😔but! now i'm gonna focus on future ones again😍😍 ANYWAY ENJOYYY 💗💗


"Woah woah woah NO! Give Chloe the solo!!" Neymar says baffled by the choice, waving his spoon around as he eats his food. "Oh oh, second on the pyramid..." He sits up with anticipation. "UGH! of course it's Maddie first!" He flops backwards into the sofa.
"I had my bets on Vivi Anne personally." I say, also watching the show I had introduced to him. I had my head rested on his lap with our cat on my chest, stroking her fur whilst we all watch season one of dance moms.
"No she cut her finger on her moms ring remember." He points his spoon at me before looking back at the screen.
"Yeah but I hope she can still dance." I mention, looking up at him.

It had been about a week since I moved in, and everything was so different in the best way possible. I was living the best life possible with the people I loved the most; I felt like nothing could ever go wrong, I was just so happy, and it was down to the man in front of me. He treat me like no one ever had; every day with him made me feel like the most lucky girl in the world. "You really need to sort out your staring issue." He says, not taking his eyes off the screen, knowing I was looking at him.
"Ooh coming from you!!?" I pick my head up a little bit and he starts to laugh.
"Not my fault you're gorgeous." He shrugs with a giddy look on his face, warming my heart.

"I was just looking at all your disgusting nose hairs." I brush off, laying back down again, looking back to the tv again. Our cat jumps down from me, before trotting over to Davi, laying beside him. I smile at the sight.
"I don't have any, I used that trimmer thing you have." He admits, putting a spoonful of food in his mouth, and instantly I sit up again. "Noo, go back." He whines at my movement.
"You used my nose hair trimmer!!?" I make sure I heard him right.
"Haha yeah." He giggles, taking another spoonful of his food. "I had to FaceTime Lionel on how to use it though, the instructions were confusing." He furrows his eyebrows.
"That's because they were in Japanese!" I clarify.
"Then why did Lionel know how to use it?" He questions, tilting his head to the side.
"Because it's Lionel! he doesn't need instructions if he has experience..." I explain.

"Ughhh, Neymar!" I groan but he was just giggling away. "I'm buying another one." I say, going onto my phone to look for new ones.
"I'll get you another one more like." He winks, making me roll my eyes with a smile as he gets up from the sofa going over to the kitchenette. "Davi, what's your dad like?" I shake my head, looking at the boy.
"Amazing!" Neymar contributes as he puts his bowl away.
"Thank you Davi." I say sarcastically, looking at Neymar who pulls a face at me, making me laugh. "I was going to say weirdo personally." I add, in which Neymar dramatically drops his jaw.

"I agree!" Davi backs me up.
"See, majority vote." I grin, giving Davi a high five, making him giggle away whilst he plays with Poker.
"Wow." Neymar says, coming back over to the sofa. "A weirdo who you love though."
"Hm, that's debatable after you used my nose trimmer." I look up at him.
"Aww, I think you'll survive." He taunts.
"Hm, we'll see." I go along with him, making him smile as he walks around the sofa where I was.

"Now come on missus we have places to go, people to see." He announces, suddenly picking me up.
"Neymar!" I laugh, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.
"Avi!" He copies me. "Hey, you too little man!" He calls to Davi beside us.
"Coming!" He jumps to his feet, running over to us.
"My lord." I laugh at him.
"What!?" He asks cluelessly.
"You you moron." I smile, causing a grin to come onto his face too. "Bye Poker! Bye Sui!" I say to the two animals as I get carried further away and out the door.
"I still don't know how we're going to tell Lionel we decided on the name Sui..." Neymar realises.
"Me neither..."

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