Chapter 30

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HELLOOO (i know this is another slow chapter, ive had so much school oml, i HATE IT 🥲) but anyway enjoyyy ❤️❤️


"So then, Marc and Sergi went out exploring with my Grandad for the day." I explain over the phone to the boy I promised I would call back. "Then they've been telling everyone about it."
"They've been spamming all their photos in our group chat all day." He laughs.
"Have they?" I ask, also laughing at the two boys who're currently walking ahead of me back to the house from our unexpected shopping trip.

As soon as I realised that I'm going to be going to a fancy dinner in less than an hour now, I realised I did in fact NOT have any clothes that would fit the dress code for the occasion, meaning I had to go on a last minute shopping trip for this dinner tonight.

The only thing I wasn't exactly expecting, was Marc and Sergi running into the shop I was in, completely panicking; frolicking around convinced I'd been kidnapped because I was too busy looking at dresses to look at my phone, and I may have lost track of time for a bit too long so I didn't respond to their frantic texts. However, in the end it actually paid off because they ended up staying and helping me pick out my outfit in case it was the last time they saw me, and ended up actually picking out really pretty black one which I'm genuinely so excited to wear. Plus, of course, we did a photoshoot which they also wanted to be included in before we left, which leads us to now, all of us going home.

"And now I need to be at this dinner in about, forty minutes." I look at the time again, realising the short time I have left.
"Let me know if the waiter says greetings." He says.
"I will." I laugh, thinking back to Valentines Day. I can't believe that was a month and a half ago already...
"The restaurant we went to, you know when you were at work." He says making me frown a little bit. I really wished I was there, but that meeting was something I couldn't miss unfortunately.
"Yeah?" I hint at him to elaborate.
"The waiter went 'greetings'" He does the impression.
"No way!!" I laugh.
"Genuinely!" He laughs as well. "I almost burst out laughing." He giggles at the memory.
"I can't blame you." I chuckle. "Greetings." I mumble, still laughing at the word.

"Anyway, at least I know what I'm wearing." I say. "So that's that sorted. I'm just thinking makeup wise what to do." I start listing aloud until I see him stuffing his face with something over the call. "What are you eating?" I laugh at the scene. "Wait are those brownies??" I realise.
"Ha yeah." He says whilst eating them. "Me and Davi made them." He explains. "They're so much better than yours would've been." He adds making my jaw drop.
"Oh yeah, probably because someone added garlic powder in mine." I remind him and he just starts cackling. "Evil." I mutter.
"You're gonna have to rematch me." He says.
"When I come back, first week, me and you, that kitchen, brownies, no garlic powder, head to head." I say.
"You're so on." He responds.

"You two this way!" I call after Marc and Sergi, noticing they're going in the complete wrong direction.
"That's the third time now!" Marc sighs.
"It's those Italian signs!" Sergi says. "I told you I can't speak this language!" I hear him say before running after me. I look back to the phone to see Neymar looking at me like he wants to laugh.
"Today has been a long day." I just say making him laugh at my despair.

"Anyway, makeup, umm, you know what you did at the afterparty, after the Real Madrid game." He says.
"Yes~" I drag out, remembering how I did it and thinking of how long it took.
"I say like that if you're taking suggestions." He says, eating some more brownie.
"Do you think?" I ask, thinking how I could do something similar in about half an hour. "From the makeup guru himself?"
"Mhm!" He nods, finishing off his brownie and brushing his hands.

"Actually, that's a shout you know, because this dress they picked out for me actually would go with it." I picture the two together.
"Do you have a photo of it?" He asks.
"Marc and Sergi were with me, so many." I laugh.
"Ooh show me." He excites.
"Of course." I laugh, turning off my camera for a moment as I send him a photo of the dress. It was pretty similar to the one I wore at the party, just a bit less revealing. "So that one." I grin as I see delivered change to read.

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