Chapter 29

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"Sergi." I nudge him. "Sergi." I try to wake him up from the 2 and a half hour flight we've just had.
"Mama?" He mutters, looking around frantically but unable to see due to his eye mask he had on. Him and Marc spent the entire flight asleep. 

Sorry, correction. They spent the entire flight asleep on my shoulders, however, Sergi seems to be a bit of a deeper sleeper than Marc, hence the trouble we've had trying to wake him up for about five minutes now.

"He normally wakes up if you put a finger up his nose." Marc whispers to me.
"What!? I am not putting a finger up his nose!" I whisper back before looking at Sergi again.
"Sergi we're here." I nudge him again, instantly making him shoot up, making me jump about a metre backwards.

"We're here!?" He snaps up, a grin overcoming his face, taking off his eye mask he needed to sleep through the trip, revealing his face.
"Mama mia." Marc mutters from behind me.

"Yes we're here, we've gotta collect our things." I tell him.
"Our things?" His face falls into a look of confusion.
"Your suitcases, your camera, you know, the things you brought?" I run through with him.
"Oh yeah! Do you have them?" He asks me. This man has been probably most places in the world, how is he so clueless when it comes to airports??

"Um no, not yet, we have to go down and collect them." I explain.
"From where?" He asks, looking around still very sleepy.
"The airport." I respond.
"But I thought we were in the airport." He tilts his head.
"Well yes, but they're somewhere different inside the airport, we're still on the plane." I say, looking around at all the people leaving. "Which we need to leave now, so hurry up." I whisper to him, making him start to sit up, getting himself together slightly.

"Avi." Marc whispers from behind me.
"Yes Marc?" I turn to him.
"Can we take a photo please?" He asks, holding out his phone.
"Of course." I laugh before moving next to him, him taking a selfie of us both with a blurry muggie of Sergi yawning in the background. "Thanks! I'm going to post it." He grins.
"Okay Marc." I laugh, before turning to Sergi who's now stood up, looking like he's ready to go.

"Ready?" I ask.
"Ready!" They both grin.
"Come on then." I lead the way in which they follow.


"So where are we staying?" Sergi grins as we walk throughout the airport after going through the security, which was an absolute nightmare because they had to take apart the professional camera the boys' brought, which had about 20 lenses and filters.

So, security spent about an hour, checking each and every part of the device for anything smuggled, but the only thing they managed to find were the collection of photos of them both whizzing around on the suitcases.
Plus they stopped outside every single different spot to take photos, which has set us back probably another 20 minutes when it should've taken 3.
So we may or may not be 1 hour 20 behind but it's fine.

"Uh, in your hotel?" I say obviously, and they just look at each other sheepishly before back to me, pausing in their steps. I also pause in my tracks, looking to the two. "Don't tell me you didn't book a hotel?" I look at them, silently praying they did because I'm probably going to have to sort this out.
"Um we thought you booked one." Marc says, looking at Sergi who starts nodding.
"Why would I book one?" I ask. "You two are the millionaires here!!" I say.

"Yeah but you married Neymar." Sergi says.
"Doesn't mean I have money!" I remind them, resuming on walking through the airport, desperately trying to find this suitcase department to make them fetch our things for a moment of peace.
"But also the camera set us back a little." Marc mentions, following behind.
"Plus, we've never booked our own hotels before." Sergi adds.
"You've never... You're both older than me and you've never-" I can't even get the words out. Where are these boys' parents?

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