Chapter 17

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Loooong Chaper incoming... also quite a lot of swearing, I got a bit carried away, oops...
Plus, just pretend the songs were all out at this time lmaoo


"We're actually so late." Ant laughs checking her phone.
We're just about to go to Ney's party but we may or may not have gotten distracted when getting ready just by messing about in Ant's massive wardrobe, just trying things on and everything and are now severely late.

"Are we? What's the time?" I ask, just finishing my makeup in the mirror, putting on a very pale sparkly pink gloss. It went perfectly with the black dress I had on; it was mid thigh with crossover material over the chest, showing some of my stomach but not too much and long sleeved, matched with Antonella's Saint Laurent black heels which felt far too expensive for me to be wearing but she insisted.
We've also spent almost 45 minutes alone, just trying to straighten my hair; it's getting pretty long now and is really quite thick so it took a while but at least it looks nice straight!

"It's, uh, well, 9:45." She laughs.
"OH!" I realise, the party started at 8. I mean, everyone's always later to a party I guess? 
"Don't worry, I'll just say I felt ill because of the baby or something so he doesn't mind." She offers once she sees me begin to rush.
"Orr, I'll just tell Ney I didn't want to go and you had to drag me there." I joke, starting to style my hair as I'm sat on the floor in front of a massive mirror.

"Oh like that's true." She laughs as she finishes her makeup. "You've been bouncing off the walls excited for the past however long." She reminds me. It's true, I have been so eager to go, despite about to be two hours late.
"Yeahhh." I drag out. "But that's because I haven't gone to a house party in a while." I tell her as I continue doing my hair.

"Ohhh just admit you're into him!!" She laughs jumping up and down with anticipation almost.
"How am I into him!?" I ask, just to make sure on what she mean as I look at her through the mirror.
"I mean you married the boy for starters." She reminds me.
"Ughh Antonella~" I whine.
"What!?" She laughs, doing the last part of her makeup in the mirror of her dressing table in the walk in wardrobe which is bigger than my entire room.
"I didn't mean to!" I laugh off. "You don't know how drunk we all were, I'm telling you it was another level." I try to convince her whilst trying not to burn my hand off with a hair straightener.

"Yeah, but now there's like this tension almost between you." She taunts. "Like you try to act like you hate each other but sweetheart we all see it." She giggles. What does she mean we all see it?
"I think Lionel's gotten into your head." I mutter after a few moments of silence between us, the only sound being Akon singing 'Beautiful' as it was rudely interrupted by a certain someone on Saturday.

"But he's good looking right?" She suddenly asks as I put the things away, not really thinking about what I'm saying.
"Of course he-" I stop myself. "Oh you-" I realise the trap I've fallen into, stopping in my tracks. Antonella lets out a mischievous giggle before she runs out the wardrobe, indicating it's time to go.


"This boy knows too many people." I breathe out as we walk down to the party house. The amount of people here is wild. Everywhere you look, there's someone or a group of people, I guess this is what a celebrity party is like.
"Agreed." Antonella confirms. "Well, it looks like Dani and Adriano have been at work though." Ant laughs as we make it to the front. The house was completely lit up with lights of all different colours and displays; music blasting through the now deserted street, probably because the entire estate is here. There's obviously hundreds of people all over, dressed up in everything imaginable, but the main thing standing out is the swarms of bright party glasses throughout the people.

"It also looks like they stuck to the neon glasses plan." I state, watching as person after person walks past with them on.

"Ooh! Come on I wanna go in!" I excite hearing the incredibly loud but muffled music from outside, linking our arms and dragging her to the entrance as she laughs at my impenitentness.
"You're so excited!" She laughs.
"I know!" I beam, pulling her through the main door, the heavy feeling of the music completely taking over every sound possible, including my own thoughts.

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