Chapter 41

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Hola mi amighoes!!😜


I let out a sigh as I look at myself in the mirror before I head out to this party. I decided on a shorter white dress for the occasion, which had some pretty lace which fit well, especially with the damn heatwave we were currently having, but at least I have a tan from that. I force a small smile, looking at myself from all the angles before we leave. I turn to the side to see how the dress looked until I felt my stomach drop.

I look at the sight of me, but I didn't want to think about that so I push that thought to the back of my mind before I turn back forwards and run a hand through my black hair, moving it from my back to the front of my body. I guess I can keep my hair like this when I get there so I don't get any questions. I grimace slightly at the feel of my hair's condition seen as though I'd been straightening it far too often this past month and a half or so, and I was starting to feel the consequences. Thinking of it, I think I just need another spa day to be honest. Yeah, a spa day will do me fine.

I let out a sigh, looking away from the mirror instead of dwelling on my appearance. I can't even pinpoint on how I'm feeling at the moment.
It's my birthday, it's supposed to be a day of fun, celebrating, laughing, smiling, but I just don't feel right. Even seeing everyone at home earlier, I still didn't feel right; and it was because my mind was already preoccupied by one thing.

It had been two weeks since the 'incident' and quite frankly it's the only thing constantly replaying in my head. Every single day closer to this party, I've felt more and more nervous, wondering if he'll be there. I haven't heard from him for the last 2 weeks and it was driving me up the damn wall. I don't blame him of course, not at all, but the thing that was driving me absolutely crazy was the fact that each and every time my phone buzzed, as much as I didn't want to admit it, there was a major part of me, hoping it would be him.

Just a text, just a hello, but of course, it never was and I can't blame him for that. Like I said, he's all that's been going on in my mind.

I've gotten to the point where I can't even look at Dario without feeling guilt throughout my whole body, knowing that no matter what was going on, no matter what we were doing, he wasn't the man on my mind. Every time I'm with Dario, I try to focus on him, but there's always that damn boy making himself at home in my thoughts. Every time.
I can't stop thinking about that last look he gave me on the plane. The way he looked at me, the way I made him feel, the way he made me feel; the way it felt so right with him no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise; it was the only thing running through my mind. Even now.

I tug on the roots of my hair, contemplating what's been on my mind these past few weeks. I look back at the door of Dario's bedroom, knowing he was downstairs before picking up my phone, dialling a number I know would pick up.

"Hello my favourite person in the whole wide world!" I can hear her smile down the line, immediately causing a pain to form in my chest, knowing how this is most likely about to make her feel.
"Hey mama." I force a smile even though she can't see. "Um," I say, beginning to pick at my nails. "I need some advice if that's okay."
"Okay honey ask away, I'm here to listen." I can hear her smile down the line. I close my eyes, about to say but she speaks up. "Oh, and happy birthday by the way." She adds.
"Thank you." I smile.
"Now go on." She says. I pause for a moment, looking over my shoulder again to the door before telling her what I've been contemplating.

"...I'm not sure I want to stay with Dario." I blurt out.
"What!?" She asks. My stomach drops at the disappointment in her voice. I swallow before speaking again.
"I'm not sure I want to stay with Dario." I repeat, my throat becoming dry in the anticipation of what she had to say.
"Why?" She asks. I just bite down on my bottom lip, unable to explain to her, or anyone for that matter.

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