Chapter 32

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~1 week later~


"So what's this date you're going on again?" My Grandma asks me.
"Oh I think it's out for dinner again." I give her a small smile. Dario, he really is sweet, but I just feel a sense of guilt each and every time I go out with him, and au can't understand why. I always tend to think back to Neymar but I try to remind myself we were never officially together; we're not together and we agreed that so I don't know why I would feel like that.

"Again?" My Grandad laughs. "Wow! This man knows all the different places to take a lady!" He mocks the third dinner date Dario has chosen.
"Domenico!" My Grandma scolds him
"What!?" He asks. "We're all thinking it! I bet Neym- OW!" He gets cut off by my Grandma smacking the back of his head with a newspaper.
"Ignore him." She shakes her head, leading me to the kitchen so he doesn't say any more. 

"Av, are you really sure you're going to continue to see this Dario?" She asks, concern masking over her face.
"We're definitely not together in case that's what you're thinking." I assure her. "I've known him a little over a week for crying out loud. He's just taking me out a few times."
"Honey he kissed you on the first date..." She emphasises in a sympathetic tone again.
"I know, I know-" I say, thinking of the moment and how it made me feel. I didn't feel anything other than shock; it was the last thing I was expecting. "but, I don't think there's any harm in going out a few times, it gets me out too." I say to her but she doesn't look convinced. "He hasn't kissed me since..." I try saying but she still remains with the same look on her face.

"I'm just thinking of-" She leads on, but stops herself from saying anymore.
"Of?" I ask, indicating for her to carry on.
"Nothing." She shakes her head.
"Okay..." I say a little suspiciously. "But I've gotta get going, he'll be waiting." I say to her. She sighs before speaking.

"Alright honey." She gives a forced smile. "Have fun."


"Ugh, I hate this!!"
"Me too."
"Me three!"

"As if Coach would add in an extra training session!" Dani complains as we run around the pitch doing laps.
"It's literally raining!!" Adriano groans, looking up at the sky.
"You know it's just so we're prepared for the Champions League and Copa Del Rae right?" Leo asks them, jogging alongside them.
"Yeah, but..." Dani pants.
"Still!" Adriano adds.

"Alves! I don't want to be hearing anymore complaints today!!" Coach scolds. "Adriano! More effort! My daughter who is learning to walk puts more effort in than you!"
"I can't help it! The rain is getting in my eyes!!" He rubs them as he runs before walloping into the back of Gerard who has slowed down seen as though we're done the last lap.
"Hey!!" He yells as they fall to the ground.
"RIGHT!" Coach blows his whistle at the two, bending down to them so the whistle is in their ears.

"At least we know what we're doing." Leo laughs as we jog past the clowns on the floor.
"Yep." I laugh, finally getting done with the last lap coach has made us run before getting to our things for a break.

"Neymar can you pass me my water bottle please, I need to cool down." Sergi asks me.
"Um, you realise it is raining right?" I ask, but regardless, still pass him the bottle.
"Thanks Ney!" He smiles before squirting it on himself to cool down.

"I'm still annoyed Coach is making us train on a Friday." Dani huffs, making his way over to the things after us. Friday?? Oh my god Friday!
"This week has gone so fast." I realise.
"See! I told you." Leo smiles, making me smile too. "Only a three more and then you can tell her everything and this'll all be over."
"Yeah." I smile. "Davi misses her to bits though." I explain, taking my water bottle also, but unlike Sergi, actually drinking it.
"Does he?" Leo asks.
"Absolutely, he's started calling our cat Avi." I tell him.
"Oh the poor boy." Leo emphasises. "Bring him round to ours after today, he can play with Thiago, plus Antonella is making dinner tonight!" He offers.
"Really?" I ask him and he just nods with a smile. "Thanks Leo." I smile.
"Anytime! Plus, I still need to rematch you on FIFA." He narrows his eyes at me.
"You are getting destroyed." I laugh, placing down my water bottle.

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