Chapter 42

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"How many red cards!?" I laugh at the amount Ramos was explaining he had collected over the years.
"Oh you get used to them." He laughs off.
"I don't!" Pilar contributes. "It's like I'm constantly running after you!" She says, causing us to laugh at the couple.
"At least it keeps you fit." Ramos negotiates. "If anything I'm making you live longer." He laughs.
"Yes but you cancel that out with the stress you cause me when you go in for a tackle!" She tells him.
"Well my money also makes up for that." He winks.
"And she calls me the gold digger!" Georgina laughs with us all.
I had spent the last half an hour or so talking to them after Antonella, Shakira and Sofia went to try and find their husbands. I still can't believe any of this, I'm so happy to see everyone again, I keep forgetting it's actually my birthday, I'm just far too busy talking away with everyone.

"Does anyone want another drink?" Georgina asks, holding a few in her hands for us to take. Ramos, Pilar and Georgina all take one for themselves before, obviously with Cristiano declining before getting to me.
"You want one Avi?" Georgina asks.
"Oh, no thank you." I decline, knowing what would happen if I did have one.
"Oh go on!" She laughs. "It's your birthday!"
"I can't!" I laugh, glancing to Dario who was already looking between me and Georgina.
"Booo!" She laughs, taking the drink for herself.
"See, it's not just me who doesn't want a drink. Haha!" Cristiano laughs causing me to crack a smile at his positivity. I've come to the conclusion after speaking to Cristiano myself that he definitely, most likely, did not try to poison Lionel.

"Are you having fun?" I turn to ask Dario with a smile, noticing he's been a little quiet this whole time.
"I mean, we've just been talking." He laughs.
"Exactly, that's the fun part." I force a laugh, still unable to tell is he wants to be here or not. He was upset about having to cancel the reservation I knew that, but he still came here.
"Yeah." He smiles. "But when Alessio was here, he seemed a bit..." He leads on.
"A bit what?" I ask, but before he could answer, Cristiano spots someone approaching us.

"Ayee! Look who it is!!" Cristiano suddenly says, looking behind me and Dario from where we were stood. "Lionel! Neymar!" As soon as he says the second name, I don't think I've ever felt my stomach feel the way it did so quickly. I install look to Dario, who's jaw quickly clenches at the name, looking to the boys which made sure to send a few more nerves throughout my body. However, I take a breath in before turning around with a smile on my face.

"Hello Ladies and Gentleman!" Leo smiles, coming over, surprisingly keeping his calm around Cristiano, until I lay eyes on Neymar.
"Hi you two." I make sure to smile at both of them, despite if it were real or not.
"Hey." Neymar says with a clearly forced smile. We keep eye contact a bit longer than you normally should before I look away, turning back around to the others. As soon as I turn back around, I feel Dario's hands wrap around my waist around my stomach, pulling me closer than I was before the duo arrived; far closer. I let out a little sigh at the known fact as to why, but I brush it off and continue to talk with everyone else.

However, as much as I tried to engage back into the conversation, all I felt was my heart race and race and race, just seeing him this close; I don't know what's going on with me. He was just 2 people away from me. Last time he was this close- oh lord every single time, every time, it just crops back into my head.
We kept making eye contact for a second before both looking away at the same time, before looking at each other again, before looking away at the same time. I felt like this flustered, confused mess.

"Ugh! My necklace is tangled." Georgina complains, picking at the long, knotted necklace she had on, trying to sort it out over where she was.
"Oh Cris!! Did you hear that! She needs a new one!! 10K minimum this time!" Pilar giggles, sipping her drink.
"You're never going to stop that are you?" Georgina laughs.
"Nope." Pilar smiles.
"Oh I give up." Georgina sighs, giving up with the necklace. "With both of you for that matter." She adds, glancing at Pilar who is giggling like a little kid.

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