Escape From the Dollhouse

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*Aria's POV*

I laid in the hospital bed waiting for the nurse to come back. Ezra was sitting in the chair asleep next to my bed. I had passed out after coming up and falling into Ezra's arms and I had just woken up. I was tempted to wake him, but he looked like he hadn't slept well in ages.

And then the flashbacks started coming. I saw the moment on the park bench when we had decided to break up. Because I had missed out during high school and Ezra didn't want me wasting time on him during college as well. But the thing is, after what I had been through, I needed him. Thinking about Ezra had kept me going all those months in the dollhouse. I needed him in my life and there was nothing he could do to change that fact.

I saw him stir and open his eyes. For a moment he just looked at me. Then he came and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I thought you were dead, Aria. But I kept looking anyway. Caleb and I, we didn't stop. We barely slept. And the whole time I kept thinking that if I ever saw you again, I would say so many things. I had a list in my head. If i could just see you again. But now that you're here, I'm at a loss for words," he said.

"Then don't Say anything, Ezra. Just kiss me. I won't grow to resent you. You were all I could think about in that dollhouse. The only one. And I can't stay apart from you for all of college. I don't want to. There's no possible way for me to do that," i said. And he did.

We kissed each other until the nurse came in and told me that it was time for more food. They were monitoring how much I ate so I didn't eat too much too quickly. What I really wanted was to see Hanna, Spencer and Emily. Ali too. I wanted to make sure A hadn't gotten to her.

Thats when Ali walked in.

"I'm not interrupting kissy face, am I?" She asked sarcastically.

"Ali, I'm so glad you're out!" I said, and we hugged. Ezra backed his chair away to give us space. Then decided he was going to leave entirely.

"You know, I'll go grab your food myself," he said, smiling and cutely waving goodbye to me.

"Ok, thank god he's gone. No offense. But Hanna said something about Sarah Harvey? Thats the girl that went missing around the same time as me, right?" Ali asked.

"Y-yeah. She was. Why can't we talk about this in front of Ezra?" I asked her

"I don't know. Let's just say I feel uncomfortable with the subject. It's just a gut feeling. Nothing solid. How long did they say you're going to be in here?" Ali asked.

"I just have to spend the night. They did only find us this morning," I said, rolling my eyes. Ali could be so impatient.

"Well that's not too bad. Spencer is going to have to stay longer. She's refusing to eat. As soon as you guys all get out, we can talk about a game plan for taking A down," Ali said.

"Ali, we're not the only ones that need to be at that meeting anymore. Mona is going to have to be there. Ezra, Toby, and Caleb. Our parents for sure. Maybe even Tanner. Wether you like it or not, we have more help now," I said.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just afraid if we have the wrong person in our trust circle, then A will continue continue to be one step ahead of us," Ali said.

"Yeah, I guess," I said.

"Well, I haven't talked to Em yet, so I'll see you later, Aria. Get well," Ali said.

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