Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

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*Hanna's POV*

Caleb pulled up to Spencer's house and we got out. I was hoping that everyone was already there. It looked like they would be, considering most of their cars were in the driveway.

"I'm pretty sure they're cussing us out because of how late it is," I joked. Caleb laughed and we walked inside.

"What the hell, Hanna?" Spencer said as soon as we walked in.

"Spence, you have got to stop saying that," I said.

"Why are we here? It's a little late, you know," Alison said. I saw that she was wearing her pajamas already.

"Well, Caleb and I are engaged," I said, holding his hand with my right and holding up my left hand to show off the ring.

"Congrats, guys! That's awesome!" Aria said.

"Wow, dude, that's one big rock," Toby said.

"Yeah, my mom is loaded and she's kind of been giving me a lot of excess money," Caleb said, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's amazing!" Spencer said, coming over to hug me.

"So when is the wedding?" Emily asked.

"On Saturday," I said, nonchalantly.

"What? How are you going to plan a wedding in 6 days?" Alison shrieked.

"We're keeping it small," I said, smiling. She looked sick.

"That's great, guys. I'm so happy for you," Ezra said.

"And so we want you guys to be our bridesmaids and groomsmen. And since we're two groomsmen short, Caleb's little brothers are going to be the other groomsmen," I said.

"Yes!" Everyone said together.

"And Ezra, would you like to be my best man?" Caleb asked.

"I would love to, man," Ezra said, coming over to Caleb and giving him the guy hug.

"And since I have four best friends, I decided my maid of honor is going to be Spencer. Since she was the first to know I was pregnant," I said. Spencer stood up and came back over to hug me again.

"I would love to, Han. That means the world to me," Spencer said. Alison was the only one to show disappointment. She was just going to have to get used to the idea that she wasn't necessarily queen bee anymore.

"We're going dress shopping ASAP tomorrow, ladies," Aria said, smiling.

"And I guess that leaves us with tuxes," Toby said, smiling.

"Alright! Then let's all get to bed so we can be up at the crack of dawn," Alison said, hugging me and walking out the door. Everyone else shrugged and departed.

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