Life Changing

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*Aria's POV*
"Alright, everyone! I'm the producer of your new show! So. First thing's first. We need a name. Something bold, big, eye-catching! I want everyone to be so excited to watch your show just based on the title. Brainstorm, everyone! Go!" A woman named Jeanie Powers said, in her loud booming voice. We were all in our living room, while cameras were installed in the kitchen, the living room, both of the offices downstairs, and in the basement, where the guys had put a pool table and a big screen TV. We had insisted there be no cameras in any of our bedrooms, or the nursery. If Ezra and I were going to get busy, we didn't want it documented on television. What we did in the bedroom was nobody else's business. 
"Rosewood Survivors," Hanna said.
"I think your hormones are targetting your brain. That was the most dumb-assy thing I've ever heard," Alison said, rolling her eyes. 
"Another friendly reminder, Alison. I know it's your decision how you want to act, but keep in mind, if you act extra bitchy, that's how the world is going to see you now," Jeanie said. I snickered, but when Ali turned to glare at me, I looked away. 
"Ok. So no Rosewood Survivors," Hanna said, sighing and leaning into Caleb. She was clearly showing now, and she emphasized it by wearing tight shirts all the time. 
"What about Escaping Rosewood?" Spencer said. 
"I don't think we should put Rosewood anywhere in the title. Especially if we're trying to escape it. We're trying to start over, remember?" I said. 
"On the contrary, Aria. The viewers are going to want to watch it for more information on what happened in Rosewood. You girls are going to have to share some pieces of your time there if you want to keep viewers and ratings up," Jeanie said. My stomach felt like a giant pit. I had moved to Florida to get away from Rosewood, not to dwell in the past. 
"Well, how about Rosewood? Just Rosewood?" Alison said.
"No. I still don't like Rosewood anywhere near the title," I said. 
"Well what's your brilliant ass idea, then, Aria? Because we're all brainstorming and you're sitting there shooting everything down," Alison said. 
"Ali, back off," Ezra said. 
"No, Ezra, it's ok. And I do have an idea," I said. 
"What is it, Aria?" Caleb asked. 
"A," I said. 
"As in the letter A? I'm highly confused," Jeanie said. 
"Clearly, you didn't do your research on these girls. They were tormented for years by an anonymous texter who called himself A. As in the letter A. He made them do all kinds of horrible things, and he's the one who trapped them in the human dollhouse. I love that idea. It doesn't have Rosewood in it. It dwells on their past and what happened to them. And it's very unique," Toby said, nodding his head at me encouragingly. 
"A. I like it. That's the new title. Are there any objections?" Jeanie said. 
"I hate it," Ali said. 
"Well, my dear, you hate everything. So your protest doesn't truly count for anything," Jeanie said. 
"I'm totally going to be America's most hated bitch," Ali said. 
"Only if you don't change your attitude quickly," Jeanie said, smiling at her. 
"Is there anything else, Jeanie? Because I'm supposed to be teaching a class in one hour," Ezra said, looking at the clock Hanna had hung on the wall a few weeks ago. 
"Yes. I need you all to write a bio by tomorrow morning when I come back. Does that sound reasonable?" Jeanie said. 
"Yes, of course. But I really have to get to my bakery. The new girl can't hold down the fort for much longer by herself," Hanna said, looking down at her phone again. Her new employee kept sending her texts every few minutes. 
"Alright. Meeting ajournded," Jeanie said, walking out of the house. Ezra kissed me and quickly followed her out, and Hanna kissed Caleb and walked out after him.
"Alright. I'm going to get my bio over with so I don't have to worry about it anymore," I said, pulling out a piece of paper and quickly jotting the bio down. 
'Aria Montgomery-Fitz is 18 years  old. She grew up in Rosewood, PA, in a house with her mother, Ella Montgomery, her father,  Byron Montgomery, and her brother, Mike Montgomery. Her main hobbies growing up include photography, baking, and hanging out with her four best friends, Hanna, Emily, Spencer, and Alison. She is happily married to Ezra Fitz.'
"That's all you're writing?" Emily asked. 
"What else am I supposed to write? That I was..." I looked at the cameras and lowered my voice. "That I was dating my teacher? That A nearly ruined my life? That I used to be a loser with pink hair streaks? Oh, what about how Charles tortured me in the dollhouse? I'm not sharing any of that with complete strangers. The rest of you may be excited for this show, but I sure as hell am not," I said. 
"Alright. Sorry I said anything," Emily said, handing me her bio to read. 
'Emily Fields is 18 years old, and used to live in Rosewood, PA. She lived with her mother, Pam Fields, and her father is a member of the US military. Emily's major conflict in high school, other than A, was coming out to her parents and the town about her sexuality. She has since over come that fear, and moved on with her life. Emily chose to do this show so she could share her experience of cyber bullying and kidnappinig with the world, to raise awareness of these issues, and make sure everyone is prepared for the possibility.'
"Wow. That's really good," I said, rereading it. 
"Thanks. Do you think I should mention Ali?" She asked.
"I'm not putting you in my bio. We're not married. Let them draw their own conclusions when they watch the show," Ali said, shrugging. Emily frowned. I couldn't help but notice that there might be trouble in paradise, and their breakup would be documented for the entire nation to see.

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