Scramled Words

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*Spencer's POV*

"Are you ready for your interview, Spencer?" Jeanie said. I looked to make sure the camera wasn't recording yet. It wasn't. 

"I'm not doing an interview for you. You made Aria look like a total bitch. And you're making authorities question Ezra," Spencer said. 

"Spencer, I made it very clear, up front, that everything was fair game. I never said I was using the exact interview. I said we may have to edit the interview. TV is all about what the viewers want to see, not what you want them to see. The viewers don't want to see a bunch of girls on thier best behavior for the cameras. They want to see drama. Attitude. I made Aria look like that because it's the complete opposite of who she really is. Reality TV isn't reality, honey. It's still acting. Staged. So Aria can look like a comlete bitch on TV because it's not real," Jeanie said. 

"So none of that interview was real?" I said. 

"Now you understand," Jeanie said. 

"And you're going to do the exact same thing with me?" I said. 

"Your angle is that you hate your parents, and you've dedicated your life to making them extremely disappointed in you. If you play that part perfectly in the interview, i won't have to edit it," Jeanie said. 

"So because Aria didn't act like a total bitch in the interview on her own, you made her look like that yourself," I said. 

"Right. Now can we please get on with the interview?" Jeanie said. 

"Not quite," I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket. 

"What are you doing?" Jeanie asked. 

"I recorded the whole conversation. I'm not going to let you make Aria out to be someone she's not. So I'm going to go to an interview this afternoon that has nothing to do with your fucking show, and I'm going to let the world know that you're the bitch and we're not doing the show anymore," I said. 

"You signed a contract. You can't quite the show," Jeanie said. 

"I read the whole contract before any of us signed. We have the right to quit the show if any of us feel violated. Nowhere in the contract did it say anything about editing our words into different sentences. As someone who has been trained as a lawyer, I know you're in the wrong here. So we're not doing the show anymore, and I have an interview this afternoon. Have a nice day, Jeanie," I said, smiling, standing up, and walking out the door, high fiving Aria as I walked out. 

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