The Quiet Turns to Storm

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*Hanna's POV*

*1 month later*

I was shuffling through my purse, looking for my keys when I grabbed a tampon instead. And my stomach dropped like I was on a roller coaster going down the steepest hill.

Because I was about 6 days late for my period.

And my mind started racing. A had been quiet for a whole month. Not one text, not one abduction. Everyone was safe. Maybe because A knew me being pregnant was a lie. But not anymore. Now it was all too true.

I saw Spencer walking down the hallway and stop at her locker. I took the door, slammed it and started pulling her toward the exit of the school.

"What the hell, Hanna?" She said.

"Do you have your keys?" I asked.

"Yes. But it's only 4th period and I have a french test this hour," she said, attempting to pull away from me. But when I was on a mission, there was no way she was getting away.

"Doesn't matter. You're driving me to the drug store. Aria drove me here this morning, so I don't have a car with me," I said, opening the door and walking toward Spencer's car.

"Why are we going to the drug store Hanna? I have a freaking french test!" Spencer said.

"Shh! Not so loud! I need pregnancy tests," I said.

"What the hell, Hanna?" she shouted.

"I said be quiet, Spence!" I said, grabbing her keys and unlocking the door.

"Hanna, can't this wait until after my freaking french test?" Spencer asked.

"No. It can't. I'm sorry, Spence, but I have to know," I said. She sighed and got in the driver's side of the car.

Once we got to the drug store, she got out with me and we instantly went to the pregnancy test section. The workers looked at us funny.

"It's for her mom," I said, nodding my head towards Spencer. The lady nodded and kept walking.

"What the hell, Hanna?" She said for the third time that day.

"Sorry, Spence. I'd rather not have the heat on me or my mom. She's dating a pastor and she's not married. Do you know how that would reflect?" I said.

"Yeah, you could have said it's for a friend," she muttered, grabbing three tests.

"Why those three?" I asked.

"They're the best brands and you need a variety of brands," Spencer said.

"How do you know that? Have you done this before?" I joked.

"Toby and I have had sex, you know. I could totally be pregnant, right now," she said.

"You said that a little loudly, Spence. Considering what you're holding in your hands," I said, laughing a little.

"You know what? You buy them," Spencer said.

"It's your mom, Spencer," I said, smiling smugly.

"Fine. But you owe me," she said.

"Thanks, Spence. Fine, I owe you," I said, rolling my eyes and following her to the check-out. As she was paying for them with the twenty I had given her, my phone buzzed.

Looks like a little baby Marin after all. So it wasn't a lie. -A

"Oh my god," I whispered under my breath. Spencer heard me and she went rigid, but hid her fear from the check-out lady pretty well. As soon as we got outside, she pounced.

"What is it, Han?" She asked.

"It's A. He's back," I said. I felt all the blood draining from my face. Spencer was pale, too.

"How does he know that?" She said, looking at my phone, reading the text.

"I don't know!" I said, tears starting to run down my face.

"Well, let's go to my house. You can take the tests there," Spencer said. I nodded and sobbed.

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