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*Spencer's POV*

I heard a lot of voices that day. My mom. My dad. Melissa. Toby. But none of them made me want to open my eyes. Because I knew Charles was still out there. I knew he could get me at any second. And nobody would shut up.

"Spencer, you need to eat."

"Spencer, you're worrying us. Please respond. All the other girls have woken up. They're all ok."

"You don't have to worry about A in here. There are police all over this hospital now."

"Spencer, wake up. I need to see your eyes. I need to see that you're alright. I love you, Spence."

"She's not responding to any of our treatment, Mr. Hastings. We've stuck an IV in her for nutrients, but she needs to start eating on her own soon, or she'll become dependent on the IV."

"She looks fine. The only reason the doctors can come up with for her non-responsive behavior is that she doesn't want to wake up."

"Well, would you want to wake up after what happened? We still don't know the full story."

"Just be patient, mom. Spencer is strong. I know she'll pull through."

And it went on and on like that. People talking. About my condition, guessing at how I was feeling. But after a while, the nightmares came. Every time I fell into a deep sleep, I was back in the dollhouse, stuck in my room, or at the prom, or in Charles' vault. The images wouldn't go away, and so finally, I forced my eyes open just to get them out of my head.

"Spencer!" Toby said, leaping out of his chair. He wasn't in his police uniform. He was wearing regular clothes. He ran over and kissed me before running to the door and calling people in. My parents came along with Melissa. Aria was there, too, walking with help from Ezra. She must still have been weak. Aria was too small to go through what she did. She looked a little gaunt, which was understandable considering the amount of food A had given us.

"Spencer, thank god you're awake. We were getting so worried," my mom said, coming to sit on the edge of my bed and holding my hand. Aria and Ezra stood by the door, and my father stood behind my mom, rubbing her shoulders. Toby stood on the other side of the bed, running his hands through my hair.

"Spencer, you need to eat something solid soon, so you can get off the IV," my dad said.

"Don't rush her, she just woke up," my mom said in a hushed voice to him.

"Veronica, I just want her to be ok," my dad said.

"Enough," I said. "I'll eat something solid as soon as it's brought to me. I promise. How long was I out?" I asked.

"It's been three days since we found you. Hanna, Emily and Aria have already all been released," Melissa said.

"What are you doing? Accusing me of not healing as fast as them?" I asked her.

"That's not what I meant by that!" Melissa said, tears springing into her eyes. My dad gave her a look and she instantly looked ashamed of something. Radley. My parents were afraid that recent events would put me back there. Considering the time it had taken me to even wake up, I could understand their concern.

"It's ok, Melissa. It's fine. I'm just a litte on edge. I'm sorry," I said.

"No, Spence, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said that," Melissa said.

"Alright. Melissa, would you mind going to get a nurse? They should know Spencer is awake. And get some food for her while you're at it?" My mother asked her. She nodded and left.

"We're just glad you're awake, Spencer. Take your time to heal. We don't want to rush you," my dad said.

"Thanks, you guys," I said, smiling.

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