Truth Hurts

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*Spencer's POV*

I heard my door open and saw Toby walking in. Of course my parents would let him come in first. They weren't nearly worried enough to rush to my side as soon as I was concious again.

"Hey, Spence. How are you feeling?" Toby asked.

"Kind of a dumb question, considering the doctors just removed a bullet from my side," I said, rolling my eyes, then cringing, because the movement made my head throb. He came and sat on the edge of my bed, carefully grabbing my hand in his.

"Spence, I have to tell you something," Toby said.

"What is it? Everybody's ok, right?" I said, worried that one of my friends had died.

"Everyone else is fine. Hanna shot Charles. He's dead," Toby said.

"Good. Then what's wrong?" I asked, the weight lifting off of my chest.

"Well. actually has to do...with you," Toby said, struggling to get words out of his mouth.

"What's wrong with me? Am I still going to die?" I asked him, the weight returning.

"No. You're not going to die," Toby said, his face contorting into a twisted, painful, mess.

"Then what is it, Toby? Stop beating around the bush," I said nervously.

"Because of where the bullet can' won't be able to...have children," Toby said. And the weight crushed me, stealing my breath away.

"I'm not....having children?" I asked him, certain I had misunderstood him.

"I'm sorry, Spence. You're not," Toby said. I sobbed.

"That's the one thing I wanted. I wanted a family, where I would be a much better parent than mine ever where," I cried.

"Spence, it'll be ok. You may not be able to have children, but we can adopt. We can still have kids," Toby said.

"We?" I asked him.

"Well, I don't have a ring, but I can't bear to live another minute without being married to you. Hanna and Caleb are lucky. If one of them dies, they'll die married. When Charles shot you, that's the only thing I could think of. I thought I was going to lose you before I was able to pledge my life to you," Toby said.

"Well, then let's get married," I said, pulling him down and kissing him. We smiled.

"Well, should we call everybody in and let them know you're going to be Mrs. Spencer Cavanaugh?" He asked.

"Let's wait. I don't want Hanna to think I'm trying to steal her thunder on her wedding day. Let's give it a week," I said, kissing him again.

"Or we could just go to Vegas in a week and get married there," Toby said.

"A Vegas wedding. I like it. But I want our friends to be there. I couldn't care less if my family wasn't there. Or Jenna. No offense," I said.

"Alright. We ship everyone out to Vegas in a week," Toby said.

"It's a date," I responded, kissing him again.

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