Planting the Info

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*Mona's POV*

Mike and I were sitting on the couch, watching an old movie and sharing a popcorn. I turned so that I was facing him not the TV.

"How are you, Mike? I know life has been kinda stressful lately," I said, smiling at him.

"I'm fine, Mona. How are you? You've been through a lot more than me," Mike said.

"Well, im ok. But the other girls have been though so much and it just hurts me to know how much they have going on. I mean, with Hanna pregnant and everything..." I stopped abruptly. Mike looked shocked. "I-I mean...that was supposed to be a secret. Please don't tell anyone she'll get so mad at me," I said, trying to look like I was covering my tracks.

"It's ok. The secrets safe with me," Mike said, turning away, not looking directly at me. And my stomach sank.

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