The Big Ass Bus Crew

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*Aria's POV*I was just glad there was no more fighting. I was afraid it would ruin the wedding vibe that was still lingering in the Big Ass Bus. 
"Alright! Who wants spaghetti?" Spencer called from the stove. 
"I hope you made a lot, because I'm absolutely starving," Caleb said. 
"Well, then we'll serve you last so there's enough for everyone else," Spencer said, smiling at him. 
"Everyone's treating the married couple like shit!" Hanna called. 
"It's not because you're married, Hanna, jeez! It's because we want enough food for everyone," Spencer said, rolling her eyes. Hanna got up and grabbed a bowl, scooping spaghetti into it. 
"Woah, Hanna! Slow down! The rest of us have to eat," Emily said.
"You're making me feel like Hefty Hanna again. Relax, guys. I'm eating for two now, remember?" Hanna said. 
"Spencer, you might want to start another package of spaghetti," I said, getting up and piling some noodles onto my plate. Spencer sighed and grabbed another pot to start boiling water. 
"Does anyone need another bathroom break?" Toby called, as he noticed the approaching exit. 
"Why would anybody need a bathroom break? There's a bathroom on the Big Ass Bus," Hanna said, and we all laughed. 
"Actually, if anybody needs to take a shit, don't do it in that small bathroom, please. We can go to a rest stop," Alison said. 
"In that case, I have to take a shit.  But wait for a gas station. Rest stops are worthless," Caleb called. Toby nodded and pulled off at the exit. 
"God, Caleb. Stop shitting so much," Hanna said. Mike laughed at her and I hit him. There was no need to encourage Hanna. 
"Alright, so we should probably talk about dresses," Spencer said, after everyone had gotten their food and Toby had pulled the Big Ass Bus over so he could have a break, too. 
"Well, I would have brought my dress from Hanna's wedding, but it was kind of destroyed with my father's blood," Alison said. Now that the intiial shock of losing her father had worn off, it didn't seem to phase her at all. 
"Same. But with Spencer's," Emily said. Spencer cringed, and so did Toby. 
"I don't know what's wrong with the rest of you. My tuxedo is in perfect form," Ezra said. 
"Brag much?" I said, laughing. 
"Well, Aria, you and I need new dresses anyway. Can't necessarily wear bridesmaid's dresses to our own wedding," Spencer said. 
"Ok. So first thing we do when we get there is buy dresses. And men rent tuxedos. Except for Ezra, who's tux is in 'perfect order'," Hanna said, smirking at Ezra. 
"Don't worry about her. She's just extra angry all the time because of hormones," I said to Ezra, kissing him and stroking his hair. 
"Enough PDA!" Alison said. 
"Well, if they keep continuing with the PDA, then don't we get to?" Emily said. 
"No! That's ok! No more PDA period!" Hanna said. Despite Emily being her friend, she still wasn't quite used to lesbian desplays of PDA. Emily laughed, knowing Hanna didn't mean anything personally. 
"Do we want to stop for the night and get settled?" Toby asked. Everyone agreed, and Toby pulled the Big Ass Bus over to one of the long parking stalls. He checked to make sure the door was locked, and then everyone started converting the RV into our own personal hotel room. Hanna and Caleb made a beeline to the bedroom at the back of the Big Ass Bus, and everyone else was forced to make the rest of the RV as comfortable as possible. Mike climbed up to the bunk bed over the drivers and passenger seats. 
Ezra laid down on the couch and I climbed on top of him. Spencer fell asleep on Toby's lap in one of the chairs. Emily got the other chair, and Alison laid down on the floor. 
"Goodnight, Ezra," I whispered, kissing him softly so nobody would yell PDA, and then I drifted off to sleep.

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