Vegas Double Wedding

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*Spencer's POV*
I heard the music in the chapel, and started walking, arm in arm with Aria. We both walked toward our grooms. Toby looked absolutely perfect in his tuxedo with his blue tie. I looked over at Jason and smilied at him. He smiled back. He had caught up to us this morning, and let us know that he wasn't stopping the wedding like my parents had asked him to. 
I saw Ella Montogomery sitting in the front row of pews, all by herself. I was surprised Aria had let her mother come, and doubly surprised that Ella had made it on time. 
Our Sparia wedding went by fairly quickly, and after that, we went to the casino, where the bouncers didn't even check our IDs once they saw we were a wedding party and that an adult was with us. Ella didn't seem too happy about it, but she allowed it, since it was technically our wedding reception. We all drank until we were tipsy, except Hanna who drank water and watched unhappily as Caleb got completely wasted. 
I hit the jackpot on roulette, and so did Aria. I think it's because the person controlling who wins saw that we were still in our wedding dresses. Otherwise, we probably wouldn't have gotten so lucky. Hanna, Emily, and Alison did karaoke, singing so loudly and all the men in the casino cheered for them. Then we made our way to the dancefloor part of the casino, and Toby and I and Aria and Ezra had our first dances. 
After that, Ella drove us back to the hotel, and Hanna, Caleb and Mike climbed into the Big Ass Bus, and we all went into our hotel rooms. 
I'm not sure about Aria and Ezra, but Toby and I had a pretty great first night as Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh.

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