Bitter Silence

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*Spencer's POV*I sighed as Ali and Emily followed Hanna off the bus. Everyone was completely silent. Caleb sat there, literally twidling his thumbs and looking at his shoes. Mike was still on his phone, acting like he hadn't been paying attention when he clearly had. Aria shifted uncomfortably and looked at me. And Toby and Ezra talked softly up at the front. They must have been completely clueless as to what was happening back here. 
"How long has it been?" I asked, even though I knew exactly how long it had been. Fifteen minutes and 41 seconds. 
"Too long. They're totally ruining the vibe of this trip," Aria said, just as Hanna climbed back onto the bus. 
"I did some snooping," she said. 
"Hanna!" I said. 
"What? You know i can't help myself! Anyway, I saw them. They were yelling at each other. Loud, inaudibly words. And then they stopped and just started making out. What do you think that means?" She said. 
"Either a really awkward goodbye, or a very weird make-up," Aria said. Mike snickered and she punched him. 
"Ok, guys, we seriously need to get going. The longer I'm gone the more my parents will worry. They told me not to go anywhere since the dollhouse, and I'm really worried they're going to get the police to follow our tail," I said. 
"My parents are going to be worried, too, Spence. All of ours are," Aria said. 
"Actually, I told my mom Caleb and I were going soemwhere for the weekend. Which isn't a lie. Caleb and I are going somewhere. Just accompanied by a bunch of freaks," Hanna said, smiling at her last comment. 
Alison and Emily climbed onto the bus, holding hands and smiling. 
"All is well in paradise again?" Aria asked hopefully. 
"No, Aria. We're holding hands because we hate each other," Alison snarked. 
"Sorry for being concerned about two of my best frends," Aria said. 
"It's ok, Aria. Alison and I are officially a couple. She's agreed to cancel her date with Lorenzo," Emily said happily. 
"That's great you guys! Now shut the door so Toby can get this RV back onto the road," I said, smiling and being firm all at the same time. 
"I think the RV needs a name," Ezra called from the front while Toby pulled back onto the interstate. 
"Big Ass Bus!" Hanna called. 
"Big Ass Bus!" Aria and I echoed. 
"Alright! Fine! The RV is called Big Ass Bus now. I have no clue why, but whatever," Ezra said. 
"Because when we were in first grade, that's what we all called the school bus," Emily laughed. Alison sat there, left out. She had moved into the house next door to me after first grade. The four of us had been friends in first grade, but when Alison moved in, we kind of split apart until she decided to bring us all into her posse again. 
"Big Ass Bus coming through!" Toby yelled as he passed an SUV loaded down with luggage both inside and on top of it. 
"Toby, slow down. I know Big Ass Bus could plow over any car in it's way, but killing someone is going to slow down the whole wedding process," I called up to the front. He laughed and shook his head, but slowed down marginally. 
"Watch out, Vegas. The Big Ass Bus crew is rolling into town!" Hanna yelled, and Caleb laughed.

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