Heading to Destination Unknown

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*Aria's POV*
I sighed as Toby drove away from Vegas, leaving our wedding spot behind. My mother had decided to drive back with Mike. Apparently he was sick of me hitting him whenever he annoyed me or my friends. 
"So, guys. I already talked to Spencer about this, but Ezra and I are moving to Florida. We found a cute beachhouse. It's literally right on the beach. And we want to extend the offer to all of you. We want you to come live with us in the beachhouse. It's a great price. As long as we all split the initial cost. And if we ever end up needed renovations, Toby is a carpenter, so he can just add on all the room we need. Like nurseries," I said, saying the last part to hopefully win over Hanna and Caleb. 
"I'm in. I need out of Rosewood, and I have plenty of money since my dad...left it all for me," Alison said. 
"he left it all for you?" I asked. 
"Jason isn't really his son," she said, shrugging. 
"Well, I guess I'm in, too. I have nothing in Rosewood if Ali's leaving," Emily said, squeezing her hand.
"Caleb and I are so in. I've always wanted to live on the beach. And I mean, I'll miss my mom, but I'm so done with all the drama of Rosewood," Hanna said. Caleb nodded in agreement. 
"Spencer? Please say you and Toby will come," I said. 
"Well, Toby just got a job in Rosewood. I mean-" Spencer began. 
"I'll quit. I'm not separating Spencer from her friends. Of course we're coming to live with you guys. It will be great," Toby said. 
"Ok! Ezra, hit buy immediately!" I said. He pulled out his phone and hit the screen. 
"Aaaannnnnnddd....sold! To the freak group that has to do everything together!" Ezra joked. We all screamed and laughed. 
"So when are we moving out there?" Hanna asked. 
"In a week. That's when we get it. And it gives us plenty of time to get all our things onto a moving truck," I said. 
"This thing can haul stuff, too. In the bottom. I accidentally bought it wiht my parents money instead of renting it. So it's ours now. We can park it behind the beachhouse," Spencer said, laughing. 
"So we can take all the furniture from my apartment," Ezra said. 
"Perfect. We're going to need more beds, though," Spencer said. 
"Well, we can take mine. For mine and Toby's room. And I'm taking the rocking chair. Actually, I'm pretty much cleaning my whole bedroom out," Spencer said, laughing. 
"And Hanna and I already have our bed in our apartment. We're going to have to sell that," Caleb said.
"Alright. Everybody take care of everything. We have a week. And then we're off to Florida," I said, smiling. 

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