An Unexpected Guest

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*Hanna's POV*

There were only fifteen more minutes until the wedding. There were butterflies in my stomach. Not nervous butterflies, the good, exciting butterflies.

"Are you ready, Han?" Spencer asked me.

"Absolutely," I said.

"Alright," she said. We were all pretty silent for the rest of the time, until Alison came back to the tent and said they were ready to begin. She texted Ashley to go, and I heard the music start.

Alison walked out first. Then Emily, then Aria. Finally Spencer went. And then the music changed to the bride's song. And I stepped out of the tent. Everyone was on their feet, and nearly the entire Rosewood Gardens was filled. I smiled and walked down the aisle towards Caleb. He looked amazing in a suit, and he was smiling right back at me.

The wedding went by quickly, and then we all went to The Brew to have the reception. Not everyone could fit inside, but everyone that couldn't just stood in the street and talked. It was amazing.

"My name is Claudia. It's so nice to finally meet you, Hanna. I just wish it had been before your wedding," Caleb's mother said to me, laughing, hugging me.

"I do too. I know it was kind of rushed, but it was what Caleb and I both wanted," I said.

"Not to mention the bun in the oven. Don't worry, dear. I wouldn't have known if Caleb hadn't told me. Congratulations on that as well," Claudia said, smiling. Two boys were standing behind her.

"You must be James and Clay," I said, smiling at them.

"I'm James. This is Clay," one of the boys said.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. And thank you for being Caleb's groomsmen," I said to them, kneeling down and hugging each of them.

"No problem. It was fun," James said.

"Clay's a bit shy. He'll get used to you, though, Hanna. He always does," Claudia said, as Clay smiled shyly back up at me.

"That's alright. If you don't mind me asking, where's Caleb's step-dad? I was hoping I could meet him, too," I said to Claudia.

"He and Caleb had a major argument about marrying so young. He married his first wife when he was younger than Caleb. So he told Caleb he wouldn't come to support him. It was ugly. I kicked him out of the house for a few days. But much more than you needed to know, right," Claudia said.

"No, it's fine. I'm part of the family now, so I guess I should know all the drama," I said, smiling it off. Next was Emily's parents. Caleb and I were each doing a meet and greet. Mrs. Fields hugged me.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you. It all came together so quickly, but it was amazing. Alison may be a little annoying but she does know how to throw a wedding together quickly," she said.

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