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*Author's Note: hey guys! something strange happened with a chapter that was supposed to go in front of this one, and I'm not quite sure how to fix it. So I just deleted the chapter and here's basically what happened. Aria and Ezra, and Spencer and Toby are having a double wedding in Vegas and they decided they're going without their parents and only their friends are going with them. Spencer is healed, and now they're getting ready to make the trip to Vegas. Please enjoy and I'm sorry about the confusion. Thanks to stephanieleelou for mentioning the mistake to me!

*Hanna's POV*Caleb drove us over to Spencer's house, our car filled with the luggage we would need for a weekend in Vegas, and our credit cards filled with cash we had just deposited in the banks. We couldn't stay in Vegas without doing a little gambling, even if we needed fake IDs, right?
My belly had started growing, and I had started working up a larger appetite than normal. I kept wearing tight-fitting clothes to show off the bump and brag about my coming bundle of joy. 
"Hanna, are you sure we shouldn't at least tell Aria's parents? I know Spencer's parents won't care, but Aria's parents probably want to be at her wedding," Caleb said.
"Caleb, it's not our wedding. We can't just invite whoever we think should be there. If Aria wanted her parents there, they would be coming," I said, pulling out my phone, which had just received a text. 
"Jeez, she's excited! Or trying to get away before her parents realize," I said, putting the phone down and not bothering to respond, considering we were literally 30 seconds away from Spencer's house. 
When we got into the driveway, Aria had us park around back, where all the cars would be hidden, and then pile into the RV while Caleb put our suitcases below with the rest of them. 
"This is going to be so much fun!" Emily said, smiling, already sitting on the left side of the couch. 
"If you're a camper! This is going to be awful. I should have just flown," Alison said. 
"Don't be a buzz kill, Ali," I said, sitting next to Emily and leaning back into the couch, to show off my new belly. 
"Hanna, when did you start showing?" Aria asked, climbing into the door of the RV. 
"A few days ago. I knew everyone was busy with trip preparations, so I just decided to wait until today to say anything about it," I said, shrugging, rubbing my belly. 
"So you think being pregnant at your age is a good thing?" Ali said snarkily. 
"Ali, I'm married, so it's ok," I said. 
"You weren't married when you got pregnant," she snapped back. 
"Hanna, we're all so happy for you," Aria said, cutting in to our conversation. 
That's when Spencer, Toby, Caleb, Ezra, and Mike piled on the RV as well. Toby climbed up to the front of the RV to drive, and Ezra climbed into the passenger seat. Caleb came to sit next to me, and Mike sat on the only remaining surface left to sit on...the floor. 
"This is so uncomfortable," he complained. 
"You're just lucky I trusted you enough to let you come," Aria said. 
"I didn't tell mom and dad, ok?" He said. 
"I know. If you had, they would be baracading the driveway right now. But get used to the floor. That's where you're sleeping," Aria said.
"I get the bad treatment, because I'm the brother," he said, rolling his eyes and getting on his phone. 
"You better not be texting mom and dad," Aria warned. 
"Jeez! I'm not! Can't I text my girlfriend without you jumping all over me?" Mike asked. 
"If Mona says anything to mom and dad..." Aria started. 
"She won't, Aria. I know the whole A thing threw us for a loop, but we can trust her now," I said. Mona had been terrorized by Charles as well, and I wasn't going to turn my back on her. Aria sighed. 
"I don't care if my parents find out. It's not like they care enough to drive up to Vegas for a weekend," Spencer said. 
"I have a request," I said. 
"What is it, Hanna?" Aria asked. 
"Caleb and I get the bed. As the only married people on this RV," I said. Caleb nodded enthusiastically. 
"No sex, please," Mike said. Heat came to my cheeks and Aria hit him. 
"No bed. Spencer, Emiily and I were going to share it. As three of the four only not married women on this RV. You and Caleb can squeeze into the couch," Aria said. 
"Oh, come on! I'm going to have to lay on top of him!" I screeched. 
"You have a problem with that?" Caleb asked and we started making out. 
"Ok! Alright! You can have the bed! But no more PDA on this trip, understood?" Spencer asked. 
"Understood," I said, smiling, and subtly grabbed Caleb's ass to show appreciation for his great idea. He knew they wouldn't be able to stand us kissing, and would agree to our terms with little fight after that. My husband was brilliant.
"How much longer?" Alison asked. 
"Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that it might take us the whole weekend to get there. We're going to be gone for longer than that," Aria said.
"What? I scheduled a sex...I mean...date with someone on Monday!" Alison said. I glanced at Emily, who looked more than a little hurt. So clearly, it wasn't her. 
"With who?" Spencer asked carefully. 
"This new guy in town. His name is Lorenzo. He's a cop. And he's wildly hot," Alison said. 
"So you're not a lesbian?" I asked her. 
"Hanna!" Aria said. 
"I'm bi. I thought I made that clear with all the men I dated before hooking up with Em," Alison said. 
"Ali, we don't have to broadcast this to the world," Emily said, blushing a little. 
"Yeah, well, Emily dated Ben before Maya," Aria said. 
"Well, I'm dating Lorenzo now," Alison said. 
"Why didn't I know about this?" Emily asked quietly. I suddenly felt very awkward, trapped in the middle of a lover's quarrel. It was very uncomfortable and I wanted off of the RV. 
"I didn't think I had to share every aspect of my love life with you, Em. Just because we kissed a few times doesn't mean we're together," Alison said. 
"But I thought we were. We even had that conversation," Emily said. Aria and Spencer shifted in thier chairs a little. 
"Em. Can we maybe talk about this somewhere else?" Alison asked. 
"I'm perfectly comfortable talking about this right now. Were you just dragging me along? Using me when you couldn't get anything from anyone else?" Emily asked. 
"Toby, why don't you pull off at the next exit. I really have to use the bathroom," I said. 
"Emily, seriously, wait until we're in private," Alison said. My head began to hurt. 
"There's a bathroom towards the back of the RV," Toby said, completely oblivious to the drama that was behind him, and to my reasons for wanting a bathroom break when my bladder was completely empty. 
"Alison, you're such a bitch. No wonder you can't stay with anyone," Emily said. 
"Toby, I said PULL OFF," I said, raising my voice towards the end, right as the exit came up. He jerked the RV onto the exit, sounding the rumble bars and pulling into a long slot for RVs and trucks with trailers. 
I stood up and opened the door to the RV. Right as I was walking outside, I turned around and spoke.
"Emily. Alison. Figure out whatever shit it is you're arguing about and then come back to the RV when you're done. I'm not going to listen to that anymore," I said, then turning and stepping down to walk to the bathrooms, because after all that stress and yelling, I really did kind of have to pee.

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