Deal is Done

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*Emily's POV*

Alison walked into my hospital room, shutting the door behind her. It had taken her a long time to get to my room, so I wondered if she had been with the other girls first.

"Hey, Em. How are you?" She asked.

"I would have been better if you had been here with me," I snapped. She looked like i had just slapped her. "I'm sorry, Ali. It's just that I've really missed you," I said, my voice softer and kinder.

"I was talking to the other girls. I wanted to save you for last. Because I was hoping you would let me stay the night," Ali said.

"Yeah, sure," I said. She smiled and pulled a chair up to my bed.

"So, Em. I was thinking. The whole time you were gone. I knew it was A. And I hated him for taking you from me. And I realized..." she paused and took a shaky breath. "I realized that I want to be with you. Even if it means telling my dad that I'm in love with a girl. That I'm in love with you. Because I love you, Emily. And I can't lose you again," Ali said. I was speechless. Ali had made me feel like it was one sided before she disappeared, and our one night stand the night after she came back was just a small memory. It had all happened so long ago. I was shocked.

"I-I love you too, Ali. It's always been you. Even with Maya, and Paige, it never really felt right. Because I was always in love with you," I said. And she kissed me. And climbed into my bed. Nothing happened after that. We just held each other and fell asleep.

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