Mopping Up the Mess

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*Hanna's POV*

I tried to not think about Emily in the back room with Tanner. She was probably just saying the exact same thing that Aria and I had. And this time, there were no holes in our story. There were too many witnesses and not enough time to cook up a good lie.

Alison sat sobbing on the floor next to the spot where her father had been. When they had rushed Spencer to the hospital, nobody had even bothered with her father. Mr. DiLaurentis was 100% dead.

"How did our wedding get so screwed up?" I asked Caleb, leaning my head on his shoulder, hugging him.

"Charles screwed everything up. Why not our wedding, too?" Caleb asked.

"Fuck Charles. To hell with him!" I yelled. All the parents turned to look at me, but none of them, including my mother, decided to scold me. I think everyone was in shock. Of course Mr. Fields hadn't been expecting more guns when he came home from the military. And Mrs. Fields was probably sick of all the violence targeted at her and Emily. Aria's parents weren't surprised by it, and my mother was still in shock, I think.

"Hanna, calm down. I think we just need to get out of here. Why don't we all go to the hospital as soon as Tanner is done with Emily. We can walk, it's only a few minutes away from here," Caleb said. I nodded at him, burying my head in his shoulder.

"Hanna, sweetheart, I'm so sorry your wedding day ended like this," I heard my mother say. I felt her hand on my shoulder, so I went to hug her. And I started crying.

"All I wanted was one day. One day that Charles didn't control," I sobbed.

"I know, honey. But he can't control you anymore," my mom said.

"That's just the thing. Now, he's controlling me with guilt. Guilt for being the one that pulled the trigger," I said.

"If you hadn't pulled that trigger, then I would have," my mom said.

"He may have been insane and evil, but he was still a human being," I sobbed. I felt Caleb hug me from behind.

"Hanna, he wasn't a human being. He was a mental ass. You did the right thing," he said. I nodded, still sobbing, listening as Mona began to sing, crouching beside Ali in an effort to comfort her.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird don't sing, Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, Momma's gonna buy you a looking glass."

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