Goodbye Charles

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*Hanna's POV*

"Spencer!" Aria, Emily and I yelled. I watched as Mr. and Mrs. Hastings ran to Spencer. Toby stood there, completely still, not moving a muscle. And that's when I knew what I was going to do.

I broke free of Caleb's grasp and ran towards Spencer and Toby.

"Hanna, get back here!" I heard Caleb yell. I wasn't thinking. The adrenaline kicked in and nothing in my brain worked. I was protesting the whole way there. But I kept going.

As soon as I got there, I yanked the gun out of Toby's hand. And before I could talk myself out of it, I lifted, aimed, and fired at Charles DiLaurentis's head.

The bullet hit it's target. And Charles fell forward off the stage, pulling the trigger on the way down and shooting the chandelier off of the ceiling. It landed on Charles's body. And everything was silent, except for Alison's sobs, and Spencer's cries of pain.

I let the gun fall from my hand, landing on the floor with what seemed like a loud crash.

And then I heard sirens, and medics and police officers were rushing into the Brew.

"Hanna, are you alright?" I felt Caleb put his arms around me. I felt myself nodding, but I wasn't alright. My best friend, my maid of honor was laying on the ground at my feet, with a bullet in her side. Mr. DiLaurentis was dead. I had just shot the man responsible for all the pain and torment in my life. But I still felt like complete shit.

"I killed him Caleb," I whispered.

"Yes. You did. He's gone now. We don't have to worry about him," Caleb said.

"No. You don't understand. I just killed someone. I don't care if he did make my life hell. I just killed him," I said, sobbing into Caleb's shoulder.

"Hanna, I'm going to have to ask to speak with you and get your version of this evening's events," Liutenant Tanner said to me. I noddeed and walked to the back of the Brew with her.

"Please just tell me what happened," Tanner said, pulling out her notepad for notes.

"Well, everyone was giving toasts. Becasue, you know, that's what you do at a wedding. And then Charles DiLaurentis went up to give a toast-"

"Charles DiLaurentis?" Tanner asked.

"Jason's identical twin brother. You would have to ask Alison for more details on that, because I'm not sure I know everything. But he came up to give a toast. And then he shot Mr. DiLaurentis. So everyone ran, and Toby went to arrest him, but Spencer followed. Charles shot at Toby too, but Spencer jumped in front of the bullet for him. And then," I said, taking a deep breath.

"And then, I don't know, I went into self defense mode, you know? I mean, he had just shot Mr. D and my best friend. So I ran over to Toby, grabbed his gun, and..." I trailed off, not wanting to finish my sentence.

"And then what, Hanna? We need a statement. You're not admitting to a crime, here. The man up there killed someone and put a bullet in someone else's side. He's no innocent, and I believe you when you say it was self defense," Tanner said.

"Alright. Well, I shot him. I grabbed Toby's gun, and I shot Charles. In his head. I'm pretty sure he died instantly," I said.

"And how did a chandelier end up on top of him?" Tanner asked.

"Well, he was holding a gun, too. And when he fell off the stage, somehow he pulled the trigger. We're just lucky it fell on him, not anyone else," I said.

"And I do have one more question. Why would you risk the life of your unborn child instead of running and leaving someone else to deal with Charles?" Tanner asked me.

"How do you know I'm pregnant?" I asked her.

"Well, people in a small town talk. I heard it in the grocery store the other day. Please answer my question. Getting as far away from this man as possible would have been everyone else's first instinct. But not with you girls. Or your boyfriends and parents. You have a secret circle and it honestly frightens me," Tanner said.

"Our 'secret circle' as you put it, was made specifically for combating A. Now we don't need it anymore," I said.

"Alright. You're free to go. Please send in Aria for questioning," Tanner said.

"Will do," I said, walking out of the back room. "Aria, you're next. Tell the truth. It's what I did," I said, walking over to Caleb and sitting down on his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and sobbed, while he ran his fingers through my curls.

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